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Heterospathe elata

Heterospathe elata adaxial rachis and leaflet attachment

Heterospathe elata

Heterospathe elata abaxial rachis and leaflet attachment

Heterospathe elata

Heterospathe elata abaxial rachis and leaflet attachment

Heterospathe elata

Heterospathe elata abaxial leaflet surface with midrib and ramenta

Heterospathe elata

Heterospathe elata abaxial leaflet surface with close view of ramenta

Howea belmoreana

Howea belmoreana rachis and tan ramenta on leaflet under surface

Howea belmoreana

Howea belmoreana tan ramenta on leaflet under surface (mm scale)

Howea belmoreana

Howea belmoreana close view of tan ramenta on leaflet under surface (mm scale)

Howea forsteriana

Howea forsteriana young stem with leaf scars, bulging at the base and turning gray

Howea forsteriana

Howea forsteriana conspicuous fibers and long petioles

Howea forsteriana

Howea forsteriana young stem with leaf scars

Howea forsteriana

Howea forsteriana leaf rachis with leaflets attached; yellow midrib

Howea forsteriana

Howea forsteriana undersurface of leaf with rachis and pale green leaflets attached; ramenta along midrib

Howea forsteriana

Howea forsteriana leaf rachis with leaflets showing midribs and prominent secondary veins

Howea forsteriana

Howea forsteriana close view of tan ramenta on leaflet under surface (mm scale)