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Port Interception Target - Larva

Isotenes miserana (Walker) (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Archipini)

Common names: orange fruitborer

Synonyms: absumptana (Teras)

Fig. 1: Male

Fig. 1: Male

Fig. 2: Male

Fig. 2: Male

Fig. 3: Male genitalia

Fig. 3: Male genitalia

Adult Recognition

FWL: 8.0-11.0 mm

Forewings are light brownish gray with brown or gray fasciate markings. Males have a forewing costal fold. Male genitalia are characterized by valvae that appear to be twisted dorsally. Female genitalia are characterized by a twisted ductus bursae and a single daggerlike signum in the corpus bursae.

Adults may appear similar to other gray-brown archipines with a fasciate forewing pattern. A genitalic dissection can be used to confirm identity.

Larval Morphology

Late instar larvae are pale cream with a reddish-brown line running along the SD setae and faint reddish-brown markings on each segment dorsal to the pale D setal pinacula. The head and thoracic legs are dark brown. The prothoracic shield is dark brown posteriorly, becoming pale cream anteriorly.


Isotenes miserana completes several generations per year. Generations are overlapping and adults may be present year-round in some locations.

Females lay eggs in masses and surround them with "fences" constructed from specialized scales on the abdomen. Larvae tunnel into fruit and feed just below the skin; they may also feed on buds and young leaves. Pupation occurs in the larval feeding shelter.

Host plants

Larvae of I. miserana are polyphagous and have been recorded feeding on citrus, camellia, macadamia, peach, rose, and a variety of other plants in at least 14 families.

Family Genus/species Common name
Annonaceae Melodorum Lour.
Apocynaceae Nerium L. oleander
Asclepiadaceae Marsdenia sp.
Fabaceae Lupinus L. lupine
Fabaceae Pultenaea Sm.
Lamiaceae Premna L. premna
Lauraceae Cinnamomum Schaeff. cinnamon
Lauraceae Litsea Lam.
Meliaceae Toona (Endl.) M. Roem.
Moraceae Ficus benjamina L. weeping fig
Moraceae Ficus L. fig
Moraceae Morus L. mulberry
Myrsinaceae Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco black mangrove
Pinaceae Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese Sumatran pine
Proteaceae Macadamia F. Muell. macadamia
Rosaceae Malus Mill. apple
Rosaceae Prunus L. [unspecified]
Rosaceae Rosa L. rose
Rutaceae Citrus L. citrus
Theaceae Camellia L. camellia
Verbenaceae Lantana L. lantana
Verbenaceae Vitex L. vitex


Isotenes miserana is a native of Australia (Northern Territory and Queensland) that has spread to New Zealand and South Asia.


Diakonoff, A. 1939. The genera of Indo-Malayan and Papuan Torticidae. Zoologische Mededeelingen (Leiden). 21: 111-240.

Dugdale, J. S., D. Gleeson, L. H. Clunie and P. W. Holder. 2005. A diagnostic guide to Tortricidae encountered in field surveys and quarantine inspections in New Zealand: Morphological and molecular characters. National Plant Pest Reference Laboratory. 161 pp.

Tortricids of Agricultural Importance by Todd M. Gilligan and Marc E. Epstein
Interactive Keys developed in Lucid 3.5. Last updated August 2014.