
disseminule type

family (key)

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Euphorbia terracina

A–B, seed in two views; C, embryo in situ; D, transection of seed; drawing by Lynda E. Chandler

Galega officinalis

ventral view of seed showing the lens which is the dark mound below the hilum

Galega officinalis

A, seed; B, longitudinal section of seed showing embryo; C, transection of seed; drawing by Lynda E. Chandler

Heracleum mantegazzianum

commissures (ventral faces) of mericarps (with parts broken off)

Heracleum mantegazzianum

A, ventral face of mericarp; B, dorsal face of mericarp; C, longitudinal section of mericarp showing embryo; D, transverse section of schizocarp; drawing by Lynda E. Chandler

Hydrilla verticillata

photo: © California Department of Food & Agriculture/Integrated Pest Control

Hydrilla verticillata

turions; photo: R.J. Helton © California Department of Food & Agriculture/Integrated Pest Control

Hydrilla verticillata

tubers and turions; photo: John Clayton © National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand (NIWA)

Hydrilla verticillata

A, seed; B, longitudinal section of seed; C, transverse section of seed; drawing by Lynda E. Chandler

Hygrophila polysperma

A, seed; B, longitudinal section of seed showing embryo in situ; C, transection of seed; drawing by Lynda E. Chandler

Imperata brasiliensis

spikelets and portion of inflorescence axis (right)