Citrus pests and diseases may be found on a number of plant species in various plant families (Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey 2005). Citrus ID is primarily intended to help people conducting pest surveys or working in citrus orchards, variety collections, and home gardens, so its focus is limited exclusively to the citrus family (Rutaceae). Although eight genera of Rutaceae are native to the continental United States (Amyris, Choisya, Cneoridium, Esenbeckia, Helietta, Ptelea, Thamnosma, and Zanthoxylum), most of these are unlikely to be encountered in our target locations and can be keyed using regional guides. The cultivars and taxa of citrus and relatives that have been introduced and released for cultivation are the most likely to be encountered in cultivated settings, so Citrus ID concentrates on these taxa.
Cultivars of citrus and its relatives are released in the United States through state agencies and to a lesser extent the USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository for Citrus & Dates. Our target list of entities was synthesized from the cultivar lists provided by the California Citrus Clonal Protection Program, the Florida Citrus Arboretum, the Florida Chiefland Budwood Distribution Center, the Florida Bureau of Citrus Budwood Registration, and the Texas Budwood Certification Program. Arizona no longer certifies budwood, instead relying on the California program. The resulting target list includes over 500 entities of citrus and relatives cultivated in the United States.