acumen: (n) apex
acuminate: (adj) sharply pointed with concave sides
acute: (adj) ending in a tapered point
anastomosing: (adj) in terms of leaf veins, branching, then reconnecting
annular: (adj) ring-like
areole: (n) a defined region; in Citrus, a furrow surrounding the stylar scar (the mark left from the detachment of the style from the ovary)
articulated: (adj) jointed
axillary: (adj) extending from the juncture between the stem and the leaf
blade: (n) the flat, broad portion of a leaf
bract: (n) reduced leaf-like structure, attached to the base of a flower or inflorescence
bracteate: (adj) possessing bracts
bullate: (adj) possessing a blistered surface
caducous: (adj) detaching early
capitate: (adj) shaped like a head
carinate: (adj) possessing a keel
carnose: (adj) fleshy
cataphyll: (n) a reduced leaf
chalazal: (adj) pertaining to the point of connection for the integument and nucellus
ciliate: (adj) possessing hairs along the margin
clavate: (adj) club-like
collar: (n) a raised ring surrounding but not including the base of the Citrus fruit. This structure varies in presence and prominence between cultivars. See also: figure 4-2 in Webber, H.J. and L.D. Batchelor (eds.). 1943. The Citrus industry. Vol. I. History, botany, and breeding. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
conduplicate: (adj) with the margins curving upwards (leaves that are strongly conduplicate are nearly folded)
connate: (adj) fused, specifically in reference to like parts (e.g., a fused corolla is composed of connate petals)
cordate: (adj) heart-shaped
coriaceous: (adj) leathery in texture
corymb: (n) an indeterminate inflorescence in which the pedicels emerge from a single axis and the upper pedicels are shorter than the lower ones, resulting in a flat-topped or rounded shape
crenate: (adj) scalloped
crenulate: (adj) minutely scalloped
cuneiform: (adj) wedge-like, triangular
cupulate: (adj) cup-like
cyathiform: (adj) shaped like a cup
cyme: (n) a panicle-like, determinate inflorescence in which pedicels emerge from a single point, and in which the central (or terminal) flower is the first to open, creating a flat-topped or rounded shape
deciduous: (adj) falling off
dentate: (adj) toothed
dimorphic: (adj) possessing two different forms
discoid: (adj) disk-like
elongate: (adj) extended
emarginate: (adj) notched, with a sharp indentation (usu. in reference to an apex)
endocarp: (n) the innermost layer of the pericarp
entire: (adj) lacking teeth or spines, when in reference to leaf or leaflet margins
epigeous: (adj) a form of seedling germination in which the cotyledons emerge from underground
epigynous: (adj) a state in which the ovary is situated below the point of attachment for stamens, petals, and sepals
erectopatent: (adj) not quite standing straight up
exocarp: (n) the outermost layer of the pericarp
falcate: (adj) sickle-shaped
flexuose: (adj) bending or zig-zagging
foliolate: suffix referring to the number of leaflets in a compound leaf (e.g., a compound leaf with five leaflets is 5-foliolate)
fusiform: (adj) tapering at both ends, with the middle being the widest point
glabrescent: (adj) with very few small hairs; nearly glabrous or becoming glabrous
glabrous: (adj) lacking hairs
glandular-punctate: (adj) dotted with glands
glaucous: (adj) with a bluish or greyish waxy coating
globose: (adj) spherical
gynophore: (n) a pistil stalk (not always present)
(n) the scar on a seed representing its point of attachment to the ovule stalk
hirsute: (adj) possessing stiff hairs
hyaline: (adj) membranous and either transparent or translucent
hypogeous: (adj) a form of seedling germination in which the cotyledons remain underground
hypogynous: (adj) a state in which the ovary is situated above the point of attachment for stamens, petals, and sepals
imbricate: (adj) in multiple, overlapping layers, as shingles on a roof
imparipinnate: (adj) odd-pinnate, i.e., having a terminal leaflet
isomerous: (adj) having an equal number of each whorl of floral parts (e.g., a flower with six petals, six sepals, etc. is isomerous)
lanceolate: (adj) lance-shaped
linear: (adj) long and narrow; line-shaped
lysigenous: (adj) resulting from cellular destruction
mammilla: (n) a raised area immediately surrounding and including the apex of a Citrus fruit. This structure may also be called a nipple, and is primarily found in lemons, limes, and citrons.
margin: (n) the edge of a leaf or leaflet blade
merous: suffix referring to the number of parts within a floral whorl (e.g., a calyx with four sepals would be referred to as 4-merous)
mesocarp: (n) the middle layer of the pericarp
monoembryonic: (adj) possessing one embryo
mucronate: (adj) ending abruptly in a short, stiff point
mucronulate: (adj) ending abruptly in a very short, stiff point
navel: (n) a vestigial second fruit, formed at the distal end of some Citrus fruits
neck: (n) a raised area immediately surrounding and including the base of a Citrus fruit. This structure varies in presence and prominence between cultivars. See also figure 4-2 in: Webber, H.J. and L.D. Batchelor (eds.). 1943. The Citrus industry. Vol. I. History, botany, and breeding. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
obcuneate: (adj) inversely triangular, with a broad apex and narrow base
oblate: (adj) sphere-shaped, but flattened at opposite ends
oblique: (adj) unequal; asymmetrical
oblong: (adj) shaped such that the sides are parallel, and the overall dimensions are such that the length is 2-4 times more than the width
obtuse: (adj) blunt and coming together at a greater than 90 degree angle
ovoid: (adj) egg-shaped within three dimensions
paleate: (adj) possessing chaffy scales
palisade: (n) series of cells within the leaf mesophyll that are tighly packed together
palmately compound: (adj) consisting of leaflets attached to a common point on the end of the petiole
panicle: (n) an indeterminate, compound raceme
papilla: (n) a small bump
parenchyma: (n) plant tissue consisting of compact, undifferentiated cells
pedicel: (n) the flower stalk
pellucid: (adj) transparent or translucent
peltate: (adj) having the petiole attached to the abaxial surface of the leaf blade rather than to the margin
pendulous: (adj) drooping
pericarp: (n) the part of the fruit developing from the ovary wall, and consisting of exocarp (outer layer), mesocarp (middle layer), and endocarp (inner layer)
persistent: (adj) remaining attached instead of falling off
petiole: (n) the leaf stalk
petiolule: (n) a leaflet stalk
pinnately compound: (adj) consisting of leaflets arranged along a rachis in a fashion reminiscent of a feather
plano-convex: (adj) flat on one side, while rounded on the opposite side
plumule: (n) the embryonic tissue that develops into the shoot
polyembryonic: (adj) containing more than one embryo
prickle: (n) a sharp epidermal outgrowth
pubescent: (adj) having hairs
pyriform: (adj) pear-shaped
raceme: (n) an indeterminate inflorescence with pedicels branching off a single central axis (the rachis)
rachis: (n) the central axis of a compound leaf, or the central axis of an inflorescence
radicle: (n) the embryonic tissue that develops into the root
recurved: (adj) curved downward or backward
reticulate: (adj) with net-like venation
retuse: (adj) notched, with a rounded indentation (usu. in reference to an apex)
rugose: (adj) wrinkled
sagittate: (adj) shaped like an arrowhead; triangular, with two acute, basal lobes pointing downward
scabrous: (adj) rough
septate: (adj) having one or more partitions
seriate: (adj) arranged in rows
serrate: (adj) having teeth angled toward the apex, when in reference to leaf or leaflet margins
serrulate: (adj) minutely serrate
sessile: (adj) lacking a petiole (of leaves) or pedicel (of flowers); attached directly to the stem
spathulate: (adj) spatula-like in shape, with the widest point just before the apex and tapering toward the base
spine: (n) a sharp-pointed modified leaf, stipule, or root
spur: (n) a small, compact offshoot of a branch or stem which can bear leaves, flowers, and/or fruits; also, a sac-like, often elongate structure found on or among some sepals and petals
stipitate: (adj) having a stalk
stipulate: (adj) having stipules
stipule: (n) leaf-like or scale-like appendage of the leaf, usually occurring in pairs at the base of the petiole
stipuloid: (adj) resembling stipules
striate: (adj) with parallel lines or stripes
subcapitate: (adj) somewhat head-like
subcarnose: (adj) slightly fleshy
subcoriaceous: (adj) somewhat leathery in texture
subdentate: (adj) slightly or inconspicuously toothed
subemarginate: (adj) with a slight or inconspicuous apical notch
subglobose: (adj) nearly spherical
subpendulous: (adj) drooping slightly
subpyriform: (adj) nearly pear-shaped
subseriate: (adj) arranged in a manner approximating rows
subsessile: (adj) having a small or inconspicous petiole (of leaves) or pedicel (of flowers)
subulate: (adj) awl-shaped; stout and tapering to a fine point
subumbellate: (adj) nearly umbellate
tegumen: (n) inner seed coat
terminal: (adj) emerging from the apex
testa: (n) outer seed coat
thorn: (n) a sharp, stout, modified stem
trichome: (n) hair-like structure
trifoliolate: (adj) consisting of three leaflets
truncate: (adj) squared or flattened at the base or at the apex
tuberculate: (adj) with nodules or wart-like protrusions
umbel: (n) an indeterminate inflorescence in which all pedicels emerge from a single point, resulting in a flat-topped or rounded shape
umbellate: (adj) umbel-like in shape, or bearing umbels
undulate: (adj) wavy
unifoliolate: (adj) consisting of a single leaflet (in reference to a compound leaf)
virgate: (adj) slender and straight