

CPB-48010 (sec. Cottin 2002)

Cultivar or taxon

Citrus x georgiana Mabb. [=Citrus x insitorum Mabb. 'Willits' X Citrus japonica Thunb.] (sensu Mabberley 2004); (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) X Fortunella sp. (sensu Swingle and Reece 1967; sensu Tanaka sec. Cottin 2002)


Hodgson (1967) noted that: "This citrangequat is of the same parentage as Telfair and was first fruited at Thomasville, Georgia. The cross was made in 1909, and the variety was named and described in 1923 (Swingle and Robinson 1923, p. 230)."


Crown compact or dense, not weeping. First-year twig surface glabrous; second- or third-year twig surface striate; thorns straight; prickles absent or not persistent. Petiole glabrous, length medium; wings absent or, if present, wide, adjoining the blade or tucking beneath blade. Leaflets one, margin crenate/crenulate or bluntly toothed, shade leaflet blades weakly conduplicate, sun leaflet blades weakly conduplicate. Scent of crushed leaflets sweetly orange-like. Fruit as broad as long or longer than broad; rind yellow (7-10), yellow-orange (11), orange (12), or red-orange (13); rind texture slightly rough (4-5); firmness leathery; navel absent; flesh orange; taste sour.

Hodgson (1967) provided the additional following notes on the cultivar:

"Fruit medium-small, globose to oval; color yellow to orange-yellow; acid until fully mature when it becomes edible; somewhat seedy.

Tree very vigorous, upright, thorny; leaves variable but mainly trifoliolate."


Cottin, R. 2002. Citrus of the World: A citrus directory. Version 2.0. France: SRA INRA-CIRAD.

Mabberley, D.J. 2004. Citrus (Rutaceae): A review of recent advances in etymology, systematics and medical applications. Blumea 49: 481–498.

Swingle, W.T. and T.R. Robinson. 1923. Two important new types of citrous hybrids for the home garden, citrangequats and limequats. Journal of Agricultural Research. 23: 229–238.

Swingle, W.T. and P.C. Reece. 1967. The botany of Citrus and its wild relatives. In: Reuther, W., H.J. Webber, and L.D. Batchelor (eds.). The Citrus industry. Ed. 2. Vol. I. University of California, Riverside.


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           Habit (Riverside, CA)

Habit (Riverside, CA)

           Habit (Winter Haven, FL)

Habit (Winter Haven, FL)

           Bark (Riverside, CA)

Bark (Riverside, CA)

           First year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

First year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

           First year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

First year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

           First year twig (Riverside, CA)

First year twig (Riverside, CA)

             Second - third year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

Second - third year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

             Second - third year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

Second - third year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

             Second - third year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

Second - third year twig (Winter Haven, FL)

             Second - third year twig (Riverside, CA)

Second - third year twig (Riverside, CA)

             Petiole (Winter Haven, FL)

Petiole (Winter Haven, FL)

             Petiole (Winter Haven, FL)

Petiole (Winter Haven, FL)

             Petiole (Riverside, CA)

Petiole (Riverside, CA)

             Unifoliolate leaf (Winter Haven, FL)

Unifoliolate leaf (Winter Haven, FL)

             Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

             Margin (Riverside, CA)

Margin (Riverside, CA)

           Shade leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

Shade leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

           Shade leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

Shade leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

             Sun leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

Sun leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

             Sun leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

Sun leaves (Winter Haven, FL)

             Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

             Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

             Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

             Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

           Immature fruit (Riverside, CA)

Immature fruit (Riverside, CA)

           Fruit (Riverside, CA)

Fruit (Riverside, CA)

           Fruit (Riverside, CA)

Fruit (Riverside, CA)

           Fruit cross-section (Riverside, CA)

Fruit cross-section (Riverside, CA)