


Diagnosis - adult

Body length: 9–55mm. 
Eyes: eye interommatidial setaeseta:
a sclerotized hair-like projection of the cuticle
absent, eye deeply emarginateemarginate:
notched at the margin
> half width, eye ommatidial density fine. 
in larval and adult insects, paired segmented appendages, borne one on each side of the head, functioning as sense organs and bearing a large number of sensilla
: antennal length reaching/surpassing end of body, rarely reaches between basebase:
the part of any appendage or structure that is nearest the body
and end of elytraelytron:
the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings, commonly meeting opposite elytron in a straight line down the middle of the dorsum in repose
, antennal flagellar segments elongateelongate:
much longer than wide
, scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
a scar; a scar-like structure
(scar) at apexapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
, antennal segment 3 > scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna

the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
: pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
shape transversetransverse:
broader than long
, pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
lateral armature acute spinespine:
a protuberance with an acute (sharp) distal end

Prosternum: prosternal process dilated at apexapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
, procoxal cavities closed posteriorly, rarely open posteriorly. 
the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings, commonly meeting opposite elytron in a straight line down the middle of the dorsum in repose
: elytral length reaching or close to end of abdomen, elytral apicesapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
rounded or truncatetruncate:
cut off squarely at the tip
or with tooth or spinespine:
a protuberance with an acute (sharp) distal end
, elytral color black or metallic, elytral color pattern present or absent. 
Legs: visible tarsomeres: 4, femora robust, protibial spurs: 2, tarsal claws simple.

See Lingafelter and Hoebeke 2002Lingafelter and Hoebeke 2002:
Lingafelter S and Hoebeke ER. (2002). Revision of Anoplophora (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Washington, DC: Entomological Society of Washington.
for complete generic redescription.

Similar genera

Dolichoprosopus, Monochamus, Nemophas, Pseudonemophas, Plectrodera, Eupromus

Differential diagnosis

Anoplophora adults have a posteromedial bump on the pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
, a carinacarina:
an elevated ridge or keel, not necessarily high or acute
a scar; a scar-like structure
) on the scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
end of any structure distad to the base
, two overlapping plates on the mesonotum that are broadly convex laterally, and usually have maculate and glabrousglabrous:
smooth, devoid of pubescence; devoid of any sculpturing
the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings, commonly meeting opposite elytron in a straight line down the middle of the dorsum in repose


Palearctic (Asia), Indomalaya, established in Nearctic

Recorded host plants

broadleaf trees


52 species. Key to species in Lingafelter and Hoebeke 2002Lingafelter and Hoebeke 2002:
Lingafelter S and Hoebeke ER. (2002). Revision of Anoplophora (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Washington, DC: Entomological Society of Washington.


Oplophora Hope, 1839, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1: 42

Calloplophora Thomson, 1864Thomson, 1864:
Thomson, J. 1864-65. Systema cerambycidarum ou exposeacute; de tous les genres compris dans la famille des ceacute;lrambycides et familles limitrophes. H. Dessain, Lieacute;ge, 578 pp. [1864: pp. 1-352; 1865: 353-578; Also published in Meacute;moires de la Socieacute;teacute; Royale des Sciences de Lieacute;ge 19 [1866]:1-578].
, Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 19: 76

Melanauster Thomson, 1868, Physis Recueil d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2 (6): 181

Cyriocrates Thomson, 1868, Physis Recueil d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2 (6): 181

Melanauster (Micromelanauster) Pic, 1931, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt, Troppau 5 (2): 49

Falsocyriocrates Pic, 1953, L'Échange, Revue Linnéenne 69 (531): 2

Mimonemophas Breuning, 1961, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 37 (2): 309


Anoplophora Hope, 1839, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1: 43

  Anoplophora glabripennis  dorsal

Anoplophora glabripennis dorsal

  Anoplophora glabripennis  ventral

Anoplophora glabripennis ventral

  Anoplophora glabripennis  frontal

Anoplophora glabripennis frontal

  Anoplophora glabripennis  lateral

Anoplophora glabripennis lateral