Quick Links
Help for the Lucid Browser Player
What does the Lucid Browser Player do?
System Requirements
Using the Lucid Player (Finding Your Way Around the Screen)
Opening a Key
About Entities and Features
Collapsing and expanding tree items
Finding features, states and entities
Choosing states from multistate features
Choosing numeric features
Un-choosing states
Finding the best feature - The Best function
Pruning the feature tree - The Prune Redundants function
Manually discarding and restoring Entities
Getting an Entities score value
Shortcuts to an answer - The Shortcut function
Using subsets of features and entities
Comparing entities - The Differences function
Why an entity was discarded - The Why Discarded function
Multimedia in the Lucid Player
Restarting the key
Configuring the Player
The Lucid Player's Toolbar
About the Lucid Family of Products
About the Lucid Builder