About the Lucid Builder
Lucid keys are created in the Lucid Builder. Using the Builder, an expert in a group of entities (plants, animals, diseases, minerals, archaeological artefacts etc) creates interactive, random-access keys that can be deployed over the Internet, USB/CD/DVD/HDD or as native mobile Apps for Android or Apple iOS.
The basic elements of a Lucid key are -
a list of entities
a list of features and states that may be used to describe those entities
a matrix of score data for the features associated with each of the entities
various attachments (images, web pages etc) for the entities and features, to provide extra information to users.
The Lucid Builder provides all the tools necessary to create the entity and feature lists, encode the score data, and attach information files to items.

For more information on the Lucid3 Builder, visit the Lucidcentral website at www.lucidcentral.org.