Bactrocera zonata and B. correcta


Valid name: Bactrocera (Bactrocera) zonata (Saunders, 1842)
Preferred common name: peach fruit fly
   Dasyneura zonatus (original combination in Saunders, 1842)
   Chaetodacus zonatus (subsequent combination in Bezzi, 1916)
   Strumeta zonata (subsequent combination in Perkins, 1937)
   Dacus zonatus (subsequent combination in Bezzi, 1909)
Dacus ferrugineus var. mangiferae Cotes, 1893 (junior synonym)
   Bactrocera ferruginea var. mangiferae (subsequent combination in Bezzi, 1913)
Rivellia persicae Bigot, 1890 (junior synonym)
   Dacus persicae (subsequent combination in Bezzi, 1909)

Valid name: Bactrocera (Bactrocera) correcta (Bezzi, 1916)
Preferred common name: guava fruit fly
   Chaetodacus correctus (original combination in Bezzi, 1916)
   Dacus correctus (subsequent combination in Narayanan & Batra, 1960)
   Strumeta correctus (subsequent combination in Perkins, 1938)
Dacus bangaloriensis Agarwal & Kapoor, 1983 (junior synonym)
Dacus dutti Kapoor, 1971 (junior synonym)
Strumeta paratuberculatus Philip, 1950 (junior synonym)

Morphology-based identification

Bactrocera zonata and B. correcta can be identified reliably using morphological characters. The spot character for the pair is the interrupted costal band on the wing. Between the two, B. zonata has an almost completely red scutum, whereas B. correcta has variable black patterns. The overall dark appearance and wing pattern of B. correcta may cause confusiong with B. tuberculata, but the latter has all black tergites 3–5.

Molecular identification

Both Bactrocera correcta and B. zonata can be identified using COI sequence data (Doorenweerd et al. 2019Doorenweerd et al. 2019:
Doorenweerd C, Jose MS, Barr N, Leblanc L, Rubinoff D, 2019. Highly variable COI haplotype diversity between three species of invasive pest fruit fly reflects remarkably incongruent demographic histories. Scientific Reports 10: 742007.
). Several non-sequencing methods for more rapid assays have been developed as well, including a fragment-length based COI PCR and real-time PCR (Jiang et al. 2013Jiang et al. 2013:
Jiang F, Li ZH, Deng YL, Wu JJ, Liu RS, Buahom N, 2013. Rapid diagnosis of the economically important fruit fly, Bactrocera correcta (Diptera: Tephritidae) based on a species-specific barcoding cytochrome oxidase I marker. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 103: 363–371. 10.1017/S0007485312000806
, Jiang et al. 2016Jiang et al. 2016:
Jiang F, Fu W, Clarke AR, Schutze MK, Susanto A, Zhu SF, Li ZH, 2016. A high-throughput detection method for invasive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) species based on microfluidic dynamic array. Molecular Ecology Resources, 16: 1378–1388.
), and a CRISPR based method (Li et al. 2024Li et al. 2024:
Li W, Cai B, Chen R, Cui J, Wang H, Li Z, 2024. Application of recombinase polymerase amplification with CRISPR /Cas12a and multienzyme isothermal rapid amplification with lateral flow dipstick assay for Bactrocera correcta. Pest Management Science 80: 3317–3325


This species pair is partly allopatric, with an area in Southeast Asia from India to Vietnam where both appear, but Bactrocera zonata is always more common on the western side of this distribution, and B. correcta is more common the eastern side. Bactrocera zonata has invaded the Middle East and northern Africa.

Further information

Bactrocera correcta and B. zonata are listed as "category A" polyphagous pests in Vargas et al. (2015)Vargas et al. (2015):
Vargas RI, Pinero JC, Leblanc L, 2015. An overview of pest species of Bactrocera fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) and the integration of biopesticides with other biological approaches for their management with a focus on the pacific region. Insects 6: 297–318.
. A category A pest is defined as "widespread invasive polyphagous generalists or highly destructive specialists that have become established outside of their native range".

 Scientific illustration of  B. zonata  by Cody Anderson.
Scientific illustration of B. zonata by Cody Anderson.
 Scientific illustration of  B. correcta  by Cody Anderson.
Scientific illustration of B. correcta by Cody Anderson.
 Photo plate of  B. zonata .
Photo plate of B. zonata.
 Photo plate of  B. correcta .
Photo plate of B. correcta.
 Photo plate showing abdomen pattern variation in  B. correcta .
Photo plate showing abdomen pattern variation in B. correcta.