


Cultivar or taxon

Citrus reticulata Blanco?; Citrus sp. (sec. Cottin 2002)


Crown compact or dense, not weeping. First-year twig surface glabrous; second- or third-year twig surface striate; thorns absent or not persistent; prickles absent or not persistent. Petiole glabrous, length short or medium; wings absent. Leaflets one, margin bluntly toothed, shade leaflet blades weakly conduplicate, sun leaflet blades weakly or strongly conduplicate. Scent of crushed leaflets mandarin-like. Fruit broader than long; rind yellow-orange (11), orange (12), or red-orange (13); rind texture slightly rough (4-5); firmness leathery; navel absent; flesh orange; taste acidic-sweet.

Hodgson (1967) provided the following additional information on the cultivar:

"Fruit small (but larger than the kumquat), broadly oval to obovate; orange-colored; rind relatively thick and spongy; flavor mild and pulp acid. Matures early but holds well on tree for several months.

Tree slow-growing, medium-small, spreading; foliage dark green."


Cottin, R. 2002. Citrus of the World: A citrus directory. Version 2.0. France: SRA INRA-CIRAD.


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           Habit (Riverside, CA)

Habit (Riverside, CA)

           Bark (Riverside, CA)

Bark (Riverside, CA)

           First year twig (Riverside, CA)

First year twig (Riverside, CA)

             Second - third year twig (Riverside, CA)

Second - third year twig (Riverside, CA)

             Petiole (Riverside, CA)

Petiole (Riverside, CA)

             Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

             Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

             Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

Unifoliolate leaf (Riverside, CA)

             Margin (Riverside, CA)

Margin (Riverside, CA)

             Shade leaves (Riverside, CA)

Shade leaves (Riverside, CA)

             Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

             Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

Sun leaves (Riverside, CA)

           Fruit (Riverside, CA)

Fruit (Riverside, CA)

           Fruit (Riverside, CA)

Fruit (Riverside, CA)

           Fruit (Riverside, CA)

Fruit (Riverside, CA)

             Fruit cross-section (Riverside, CA)

Fruit cross-section (Riverside, CA)