
organism type

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Black Butterfly

Black butterfly larvae on pecan; photo by Jonas Janner Hamann, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM),

Black Butterfly

Black butterfly larvae on pecan; photo by Jonas Janner Hamann, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM),

Black Butterfly

Black butterfly larvae on pecan; photo by Jonas Janner Hamann, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM),

Box Tree Moth
Adult with wingspan of ~4 cm and 3 color forms presented. Light form with brown bar on hind margin of the forewing (red arrow).
Box Tree Moth
Adult with wingspan of ~4 cm and 3 color forms presented. Light form without brown bar.
Box Tree Moth
Mature larvae (~4 cm) starting to apply silk to make shelter for pupation.

Box Tree Moth
Complete defoliation by older larvae
Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle

Brown fir longhorned beetle, dorsal view; photo by A. Savage, USDA APHIS PPQ

Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle

Brown fir longhorned beetle, ventral view; photo by A. Savage, USDA APHIS PPQ

Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle

Brown fir longhorned beetle, face view; photo by D. McCoy, USDA APHIS PPQ

Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle

Brown fir longhorned beetle, dorsal view of head and thorax; photo by D. McCoy, USDA APHIS PPQ

Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle

Brown fir longhorned beetle, lateral and dorsal views; photo by D. McCoy, USDA APHIS PPQ

Citrus Black Spot

Citrus black spot symptoms on orange; P. Barkley, Biological and Chemical Research Institute,

Citrus Black Spot

Citrus black spot symptoms on orange; Cesar Calderon, Cesar Calderon Pathology Collection, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease symptoms on orange; photo by H.D. Catling,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease symptoms on orange; photo by J.M. Bové, INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease on grapefruit leaves; photo by J.M. Bové, INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease symptoms in mandarin fruit; photo by J.M. Bové, INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease symptoms; photo by Florida Division of Plant Industry , Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease symptoms; photo by Florida Division of Plant Industry , Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease symptoms; photo by Florida Division of Plant Industry , Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus greening disease symptoms on pumelo; photo by Florida Division of Plant Industry , Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,

Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus green diseases symptoms on leaves; photo by Jeffrey W. Lotz, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,