

Ferrisia terani

Abbreviation: N/A


Thjs species of mealybug is present in: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Affected Commodities

This species of mealybug is a pest of the following plants: citrus and herbs such as rosemary and ginger. 

Commodity Damage

Evidence of this mealybug's damage includes: entry holes in stored fruits, powdery wax secretion layer (may have eggs associated), sap removal damage, and secondary contamination with copious honeydew that frequently serves as a substrate for unsightly sooty molds to develop.

Port Inspections

CBP Agriculture Specialists, please refer to manuals for general inspection guidelines. When performing inspections, look for presence of mealybugs in cargo, especially herb and citrus shipments from Mexico. 

For additional information:

 Mealybug ( Ferrisia terani ), slide-mounted female, ventral view; photo by Alessandra Rung, Scale Insects, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Mealybug (Ferrisia terani), slide-mounted female, ventral view; photo by Alessandra Rung, Scale Insects, USDA APHIS PPQ,

 Mealybug ( Ferrisia terani ) slide-mounted female, ventral view of abdomen; photo by P. Johnson, USDA APHIS PPQ 

Mealybug (Ferrisia terani) slide-mounted female, ventral view of abdomen; photo by P. Johnson, USDA APHIS PPQ