Conchaspis capensis (Linnaeus)



Field characters

No information available. Collected on stems of host.

Validation characters

Antennae normally 3-segmented, sometimes with as many as 5; multilocular pores present on abdominal segments 3 to 5 or 6, often in clusters of 2 or 3 pores, in submarginal areas only, absent from thorax; tubular ducts present on lateral areas of metathorax to segment 4; thorax and head swollen laterally. Other characters: Legs reduced, tibia and tarsus fused, trochanter and femur fused; metasternal sclerotization present; ocellar spot present; pygidium present.


Conchaspis capensis is similar to C. tsaratananae Mamet by having multilocular pores on abdominal segment 3 and by having tubular ducts. Conchaspis capensis differs by having multiloculars in clusters of 2 or 3 pores (only 1 pore on each side of each segment on C. tsaratananae) and by having tubular ducts on metathorax (absent on C. tsaratananae).

U.S. quarantine notes

This species was intercepted 4 times at U. S. ports-of-entry between 1995 and 2012, with specimens originating from South Africa. We also have examined specimens taken in quarantine from South Africa (Diosma, Leucospermum, Phylica). ScaleNet includes hosts in Asteraceae and Rhamnaceae and lists it only for South Africa. It is commonly intercepted on Phylica (Rhamnaceae). Three species of Conchaspis other than C. angraeci Cockerell, C. capensis and C. orchidarum Mamet have been intercepted at a U. S. ports-of-entry: C. cordiae Mamet (Puerto Rico, on Rauwolfia; Haiti, on unknown host); C. newsteadi Cockerell (Mexico, on Acer and Plumeria); and C. phylicae Mamet (South Africa, on Phylica).

Important references


Scalenet catalog and citation list

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  Conchaspis capensis   Illustration by Mamet

Conchaspis capensis
Illustration by Mamet

  Conchaspis capensis

Conchaspis capensis