Asiacornococcus kaki



Species name

Asiacornococcus kaki (Kuwana)

Field characters

Adult female red; probably with short crystalline rods scattered over dorsal surface of body. Ovisac felted, white.

Validation characters

Antennae with 3-5 segments; quinquelocular pores present on dorsum and venter; enlarged setae scattered over dorsum forming 3 longitudinal lines of setae on each side of body; medial enlarged setae approximately same size as lateral setae, with acute or slightly rounded apices; anal lobes each with 2 enlarged setae; with 2-4 setae on each lateral margin of each abdominal segment; microtubular ducts slender with bifurcate orifice; anal lobes lightly or not sclerotized, without teeth; hind tibia with 2 setae; claw with denticle. Other characters: Anal lobes protruding; invaginated tubular ducts present; hind coxa and femur with few large translucent pores; cruciform pores present in marginal areas of venter.


Asiacornococcus kaki is unique among the eriococcids intercepted at U.S. ports-of-entry by having antennae with 3-5 segments (usually 3 or 4), dorsal quinquelocular pores, 2 enlarged setae on each anal lobes, and 2 setae on each hind tibia. The identity of other species of Asiacornococcus (A. exiguus (Maskell) and A. japonicus (Maskell)) is confused and requires a detailed systematic analysis.

U.S. quarantine notes

This species was intercepted 150 times at U. S. ports-of-entry between 1995 and 2012, originating from the following Asian countries: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Vietnam, besides Israel. We also have examined specimens taken in quarantine from China (Diospyros); Japan (Diospyros); Lebanon (Diospyros); South Korea (Diospyros, Eriobotrya); Taiwan (Diospyros); Thailand (Diospyros); Vietnam (Diospyros). ScaleNet includes hosts in 6 plant families. It is most commonly interecepted on persimmon. ScaleNet distribution records for A. kaki include the Oriental and Palaearctic zoogeographic regions. No other species of Asiacornococcus have been intercepted at a U. S. port-of-entry.

Important references

Tang1977; TangHa1995; Wang2001; Xie1998.

Scalenet catalog and citation list

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  Asiacornococcus kaki   Illustration by Miller

Asiacornococcus kaki
Illustration by Miller

  Asiacornococcus kaki

Asiacornococcus kaki