Depending on position on host, either rotund or elongate oval; convex in cross section; body reddish or brownish yellow, with brown marginal area, specimens becoming dark brown at maturity; many specimens with derm shiny; without wax on dorsum; without an ovisac. Occurring on stems and fruit.
Marginal setae simple or slightly fimbriate; anal plates with anterior margin longer than posterior margin located in middle of abdomen or toward hind legs; anal plates with conspicuous discal seta with acute apex and 2 to 8 apical setae; tibio-tarsus slightly articulated, with tibio-tarsal sclerosis. Other characters: Ventral submarginal tubular ducts with narrow filament; derm with areolations in older females; dorsal tubular ducts absent; dorsal setae with acute or slightly rounded apices, filamentous or slightly enlarged; without submarginal tubercles; with 2 or 3 subapical setae on each plate; anal fold with more than 6 fringe setae; ventral tubular ducts restricted to submarginal areas; multilocular pores with about equal numbers of 7 or 8 locular pores and 10 locular pores; multiloculars present in vulvar area only; multilocular pores when present anterior of anterior spiracle predominantly with 5 loculi, about same size as pores laterad of anterior spiracle; claw without denticle; claw digitules equal; 3 pairs of prevulvar setae (posterior pair often obscured by anal plates); stigmatic setae differentiated from other marginal setae, middle seta longer than lateral setae; antennae usually 8-segmented, rarely with 7; preopercular pores conspicuous, restricted to area anterior of anal plates.
Udinia catori is similar to U. farquharsoni by having a disc seta on anal plates, anal plates with anterior margin longer than posterior margin, and areolate derm. Udinia catori differs by having dorsal setae long, greater than 25 µ (U. farquharsoni has short dorsal setae, shorter that 20 µ), marginal setae predominantly with simple apices (U. farquharsoni has predominantly fringed marginal setae on most but not all specimens), and discal seta with acute apex (U. farquharsoni has discal seta with fimbriate apex).
This species was intercepted 49 times at U. S. ports-of-entry between 1995 and 2012, with specimens originating from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte D’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. We also have examined specimens taken in quarantine from Ghana (Cola); Côte d'Ivoire (Mangifera); Nigeria (Annona, Cola, Mangifera); Senegal (Mangifera); Sierra Leon (Mangifera); Zambia (Mangifera). We also have examined specimens from 3 questionable localities: Colombia (Mangifera); India (Mangifera); Trinidad (Mangifera); these records may be erroneous since they are based on single quarantine interceptions except that the species has been intercepted twice from India. ScaleNet lists hosts in 16 plant families and most interceptions have been on Mangifera. ScaleNet distribution records for U. catori include only the Afrotropical region. Two other species of Udinia have been taken in quarantine in addition to U. catori and U. farquharsoni (Newstead): U. pattersoni Hanford (Cameroon, on Coffea); and U. setigera Newstead (Côte D`Ivoire, on Mangifera).
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