Nipaecoccus jonmartini Williams & Granara de Willink



Field characters

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Validation characters

Oral-collar tubular ducts and multilocular pores in clusters along ventral body margin; translucent pores on hind coxa, sometimes on tibia also; 14 to 16 pairs of cerarii; circulus present, usually rectangular; some dorsal setae conical, not as large as cerarian setae.


Nipaecoccus jonmartini is similar to N. nipae (Maskell) by having dorsal conical setae, cerarian setae becoming more widely separated anteriorly, translucent pores often restricted to hind coxa, sometimes with a few on hind tibia. Nipaecoccus jonmartini can be distinguished (characters of N. nipae given in parentheses) by having oral-collar tubular ducts and multilocular pores in clusters along ventral body margin (clusters absent). It also is similar to N. kuduyaricus. Both possess the distinctive marginal clusters of marginal oral collars and multiloculars but N. jonmartini has (characters of N. kuduyaricus Williams & Granara de Willink given in parentheses) 2 sizes of oral collars (only 1) and larger diameter multilocular pores (smaller).

U.S. quarantine notes

This species was intercepted at U. S. ports-of-entry 12 times between 1995 and 2012, with specimens originating from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico. We also have examined specimens taken in quarantine from Mexico (Litchi, Persea). ScaleNet lists hosts in 11 plant families. It is most commonly intercepted on rambutan (Nephelium, Sapindaceae-Soapberry family) and avocados. ScaleNet distribution records for N. jonmartini include Mexico in the Nearctic zoogeographic region, and Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Panama and Venezuela in the Neotropical region. Several species of Nipeaecoccus other than N. annonae Williams & Granara de Willink, N. jonmartini, N. nipae (Maskell) and N. viridis (Newstead) have been taken at U. S. ports-of-entry including: N. ericicola (Maskell) (Australia, on Callistemon); N. filamentosus (Cockerell) (Puerto Rico, on Bucida); N. filicis Williams & Granara De Willink (Mexico, on unidentified plant); and N. gilli Williams and Granara de Willink (Costa Rica, on Areca; Mexico, on Dieffenbachia).

Important references


Scalenet catalog and citation list

Click here for a Catalog.

  Nipaecoccus jonmartini  
 Illustration by Williams & Granara de Willink

Nipaecoccus jonmartini

Illustration by Williams & Granara de Willink

  Nipaecoccus jonmartini

Nipaecoccus jonmartini