
Type species

Theoborus theobromae Hopkins

Adapted from Rabaglia 2006, p. 1042 and Wood 1982, p. 770-776


This genus is distinguished from other Xyleborina by the two suturessutures:
a seam or seam-like line of contact between two sclerites or hardened body parts immovably connected
on the anterior face of the antennal clubclub:
the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
which extend to the posterior faceposterior face:
the side not visible when the club is elevated against the head or visible when the club is down and sensing a surface; it usually has no sutures


Species in this genus range from 1.7 to 2.9 mm in length and are usually stout at 2.3 times as long as wide, with males dwarfed and deformed. Their color is usually dark brown. The pronotumpronotum:
the upper or dorsal surface of the first thoracic segment
is essentially as long as wide and asperateasperate:
of a surface or texture which is rough
on its anterior half. The scutellumscutellum:
a shield-like bony plate or scale, as on the thorax of some insects
is small. The declivitydeclivity:
the apical portion of the beetle elytra that slopes downward
is usually convex, except for in T. ricini where it is slightly concave and has granulesgranules:
a small grain-like elevation
. The vestiturevestiture:
a surface covering of scales or setae on the body, wing, or other appendage
consists of hair-like setaehair-like setae:
setae that are thin and similar to a hair
usually restricted to the sides and the declivitydeclivity:
the apical portion of the beetle elytra that slopes downward
. The anterior margin of the compound eye is emarginated. The scapescape:
the first and basal segment of the insect's antennae
is short and the funiclefunicle:
the antennal segments located between the scape and the club in some Coleoptera
has 5-segments. The oval clubclub:
the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
has two bisinuatebisinuate:
displaying two sinuations
sutures on the anterior face which extend to the posterior faceposterior face:
the side not visible when the club is elevated against the head or visible when the club is down and sensing a surface; it usually has no sutures
. The procoxaeprocoxae:
extra segment occasionally preceding coxa (hip joint) of the first or anterior pair of legs of arthropods
are contiguouscontiguous:
sharing an edge or boundary; touching


Florida, the Neotropical regionneotropical region:
the zoogeographical area encompassing South America, Central America, and the West Indies
and introduced into Africa

World fauna

Number of species: 8, Native species: 1, Introduced species: 0


In Florida, found on Delonix regia, an introduction from Africa; also Citrus, Cordia, Erythrina, Terminalia, Theobroma, Swietenia

            Theoborus ricini , female, dorsal view

Theoborus ricini, female, dorsal view

            Theoborus ricini , female, lateral view

Theoborus ricini, female, lateral view

            Theoborus ricini , female, posterior view   (declivity)

Theoborus ricini, female, posterior view (declivity)

            Theoborus ricini , female, anterior view

Theoborus ricini, female, anterior view

            Theoborus ricini , female, club

Theoborus ricini, female, club