Premnobius cravipennis Eichhoff
Adapted from Wood 1982, p. 755-758
Premnobius differs from Xyleborus Eichhoff in the flattened clubclub:
the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
which is pubescentpubescent:
covered with closely set setae
to its basebase:
part of any appendage that is nearest the body
. Also in this species and uniquely to the Xyleborina, the pregulapregula:
a ventral sclerite immediately posterior to the mouth parts, impressed in the subtribe Xyleborina
is not depresseddepressed:
a structure that is flattened or impressed
Species in this genus range from 2.3 to 3.3 mm in length and are approximately 2.9 times as long as wide. Their color varies from pale to rather dark reddish brown. The pronotumpronotum:
the upper or dorsal surface of the first thoracic segment
is longer than wide and unarmedunarmed:
having no granules, teeth, tubercles, spines, or other protective structures
. The scutellumscutellum:
a shield-like bony plate or scale, as on the thorax of some insects
of the occurring species in North America north of Mexico is small. The declivitydeclivity:
the apical portion of the beetle elytra that slopes downward
is obliquely truncateobliquely truncate:
pertaining to a structure abruptly and concavely cut
to broadly concave with the margins usually dentatedentate:
a structure or surface that has tooth-like prominences; in Scolytinae they are smaller than tubercles
. The anterior margin of the compound eye is emarginateemarginate:
notched or indented
. The scapescape:
the first and basal segment of the insect's antennae
is longer than the 5-segmented funiclefunicle:
the antennal segments located between the scape and the club in some Coleoptera
. The rounded clubclub:
the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
is flattened apically, is pubescentpubescent:
covered with closely set setae
to the basebase:
part of any appendage that is nearest the body
, and has two procurvedprocurved:
pertaining to structure (antennae, setae) which is basally perpendicular to the body and whose apical part is curved anteriorly
sutures. The pregular area is characteristically not depresseddepressed:
a structure that is flattened or impressed
, differing from all other members of its subtribe. The procoxaeprocoxae:
extra segment occasionally preceding coxa (hip joint) of the first or anterior pair of legs of arthropods
are subcontiguoussubcontiguous:
pertaining to adjacent structures, margins, or surfaces that are in contact but are not united or fused
Florida to Brazil and Africa
Number of species: 25, Native species: 0, Introduced species: 1
Premnobius cavipennis is present in Florida.
Eucalyptus, Pinus