Arixyleborus tuberculatus

  Arixyleborus tuberculatus  cotype lateral; R.K. Osborn

Arixyleborus tuberculatus cotype lateral; R.K. Osborn

  Arixyleborus tuberculatus  cotype dorsal; R.K. Osborn

Arixyleborus tuberculatus cotype dorsal; R.K. Osborn

  Arixyleborus tuberculatus  cotype declivity; R.K. Osborn

Arixyleborus tuberculatus cotype declivity; R.K. Osborn

  Arixyleborus tuberculatus  cotype frontal; R.K. Osborn

Arixyleborus tuberculatus cotype frontal; R.K. Osborn

Taxonomic history

Xyleboricus tuberculatus Eggers, 1940: 133.

Arixyleborus tuberculatus (Eggers): Schedl, 1958c: 145.


1.5 mm long (mean = 1.5 mm; n = 1); 2.5 times as long as wide. This species is distinguished by the protibiaprotibia:
tibia of the first pair of legs
toward the rear end; opposite of anterior
face inflatedinflated:
blown up; distended
and granulate; antennalantennal:
pertaining to the antennae
club broader than tall; posterolateralposterolateral:
relating to end of the side part/portion
an elevated ridge or keel, not necessarily high or acute
costate; pronotumpronotum:
the dorsal surface of the thorax
pertaining to the side
margin distinctly costate, nearly carinate; pronotumpronotum:
the dorsal surface of the thorax
the front or forward; opposite of posterior
margin elevated with a row of serrations; declivitaldeclivital:
pertaining to the elytral declivity
interstriae except interstriaeinterstria:
longitudinal spaces along the elytra between the striae, which is not as<br /> impressed and bear smaller punctures.
1 denticulatedenticulate:
covered in denticles
; and minute size.

May be confused with

Arixyleborus grandis, A. malayensis, and A. yakushimanus


Indonesia (Java, Sumatra), Thailand

Host plants

recorded from Dalbergia and Parkia (Leguminosae), and from Cinchona (Rubiaceae) (Kalshoven 1959bKalshoven 1959b:
Kalshoven LGE. 1959b. Studies on the biology of Indonesian Scolytoidea 4. Data on the habits of Scolytidae. Second part. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 102: 135-173 + pls. 15-22.

DNA data

specimens not available for sequencing