
  Pseudowebbia trepanicauda ; R.K. Osborn

Pseudowebbia trepanicauda; R.K. Osborn

  Pseudowebbia trepanicauda ; R.K. Osborn

Pseudowebbia trepanicauda; R.K. Osborn

  Pseudowebbia trepanicauda ; R.K. Osborn

Pseudowebbia trepanicauda; R.K. Osborn

  Pseudowebbia trepanicauda ; R.K. Osborn

Pseudowebbia trepanicauda; R.K. Osborn


Pseudowebbia Browne, 1961a: 308.


Small (2.20−3.10 mm long) and elongate species (2.40−3.10 times as long as wide). Pseudowebbia can be distinguished by the scutellumscutellum:
a shield-like sclerotized plate located at the midpoint of the elytral base 
not visible; dense tuft of setaeseta:
small hair-like or scale-like structure
along elytralelytral:
pertaining to the elytra
point or edge closest to the body; opposite of apex
associated with an elytralelytral:
pertaining to the elytra
mycangium; antennalantennal:
pertaining to the antennae
funicle 4-segmented; elytralelytral:
pertaining to the elytra
downward slope of either the pronotum or elytra
truncate, covered with dense scalesscale:
a flattened seta
, encircled by a row of denticles; and protibiaprotibia:
tibia of the first pair of legs
with evenly rounded edge, laterallateral:
pertaining to the side
margin armed with 7 socketed denticlesdenticle:
a small tooth, the sides of which are equal and the tip is above the middle of the base
, posteriorposterior:
toward the rear end; opposite of anterior
face flat, unarmed.

May be confused with

Arixyleborus, Cyclorhipidion, Truncaudum, and Webbia


throughout the Paleotropics

Gallery system

Described only for P. percorthylus (Schedl). The short entrance tunnel runs into an irregular cavity lying between the bark and wood, with or without some short side branches. In the observed systems, the gallery system does not penetrate the wood (Browne 1961bBrowne 1961b:
Browne FG. 1961b. The biology of Malayan Scolytidae and Platypodidae. Malayan Forest Records 22: 1-255.
, RAB pers. obs.).