Callichroma velutinum
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Head testaceous, with rounded, divergent sides; frontal sutures indistinct; front margin of frons ferruginous, rugose; six epistomal setae present. Genae and temples bearing dense short, ferruginous setae. Labrum semicircular, densely fringed with reddish setae. Mandible with basal part ferruginous and apical part pitchy, the former bearing numerous short setae. Ocellus with Jens large, oval, convex; pigmented spot indiscernible. Antenna with segment 3 elongate, more than four times as long as basal width; supplementary process about one-third length of segment 3. Maxilla with segment 3 of palp much shorter than segment 2; dorso-external process of palpifer almost as long as segment 3 of palp. Hypostoma testaceous, transversely strigose, with numerous scattered pale setae. Gula broad, strongly raised. Prothorax with front margin broadly ferruginous, behind which it is milky white; posteriorly coarsely and longitudinally strigose; eusternum dull, micro-spiculate medially; sternellum similar. Abdomen with dorsal ampullae each with two transverse impressions, irregularly tuberculate and partly microspiculate. Anal lobes rather densely setose. Pleural discs indistinct. Legs well developed, 3-segmented, about as long as maxillary palp. Spiracles with peritreme broadly oval, testaceous, without marginal chambers. Length up to 50 mm; maxi. mum breadth (at prothorax) 4.75 mm. First-instar larva. Egg-bursting spines situated in pairs dorso-laterally on abdominal segments 3, 4 and 5. Each spine is stout and thorn-like, arising from a large, testaceous, sclerotized basal plate. Length up to 3.8 mm.
Pupa. Head entirely concealed from above by pronotum, elongate, triangular; vertex dome-shaped, smooth, glabrous; front smooth and glabrous; clypeus with a deep transverse impression at base, glabrous. Antennae filiform, very long, extending as far as or almost as far as abdominal segment 9 before being recurved ventrally to terminate alongside head. Eyes moderately convex, glabrous. Labrum elongate, trapezoidal, glabrous. Pronotum with sides produced into a pair of acutely rounded, glabrous tubercles; front margin strongly produced medially into a large conical tubercle bearing numerous fine setae; disc with a pair of paramedian, sub-basal, transverse, tuberculate ridges, bearing fine scattered setae. Mesonotum glabrous or almost so; scutellum rather strongly produced, acutely pointed and bearing several scattered setae, mainly laterally. Metanotum bearing a few fine setae on each side of scutellar groove, which is inconspicuous. Elytra and wings extending as far as abdominal segment 4. Abdomen with tergites l-6 with paired, transversely oval, tuberculate areas, each bearing numerous short, stout, ferruginous spines, some of which are inclined forwards. Tergite 7 with hind margin produced and V-shaped posteriorly, and bearing a few small spines. Segment 9 partly retracted in segment 8. Sternites smooth and glabrous. Legs with bind femora extending as far as abdominal segment 8 and lying parallel to longitudinal axis of body. Functional spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-7; peritreme very narrowly oval, thin, and slightly raised above general level of cuticle. Length up to 40 mm: maximum breadth 9 mm. Egg. Form elongate-ovoid, one pole very slightly more attenuated than the other. The general shape varies somewhat, especially the degree of attenuation. Chorion pale testaceous and faintly marked with polygonal areas which correspond with the overlying follicular cells. Length 2.5 mm.; breadth 1.4 mm. Adapted from Duffy (1960).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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