- The tribe Callichromatini Swainson, 1840 currently contains 1,118 species in 180 genera. Photographs of 6 exemplar specimens are currently available for this tribe.
Diagnostic Features of Adults
- Body size variable, from small (less than 10 mm) to large-sized (more than 40 mm), generally elongate; generally with metallic refection (rarely without). Eyes generally reniform, complete (not completely divided into upper and lower lobes). Antennae variable, from filiform to serrate, flabellate, or expanded laterally, unarmed; antennae 11-segmented, variable in length, from short (not extending beyond tip of abdomen) to long (extending beyond tip of abdomen). Pronotal shape variable, from generally subquadrate (about as long as wide) to transverse (distinctly wider than long); lateral margins of pronotum variable, from unarmed (without distinct spines or tubercles) to lateral margins of pronotum with distinct blunt tubercles or acute spines. Mesocoxal cavities open to mesepimeron. Elytra generally about as long as abdomen, rarely brachypterous (distinctly shorter than abdomen); elytral apices rarely distinctly acuminate (forming an acute point); elytral apices without distinct spines. Metafemoral length compared to profemora variable, about as long or distinctly longer. Metatibiae variable, distinctly expanded apically or not.
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Not yet available for this taxon.
Geographic Distribution of Tribe
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Adult Specimens
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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Callichroma sericeum (Fabricius, 1793); dorsal Cerambycidae:Cerambycinae:Callichromatini Photograph © A.M. Hodson
Cnemidochroma buckleyi (Bates, 1879); dorsal Cerambycidae:Cerambycinae:Callichromatini Photograph © A.M. Hodson
Mionochroma electrinum (Gounelle, 1911); dorsal ♀ specimen Cerambycidae:Cerambycinae:Callichromatini Photograph © A.M. Hodson
All Callichromatini exemplar species images