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Identification Thumbnail Galleries

A series of thumbnail photo galleries are provided under the ID Thumbnails menu item. Thumbnail photos are arranged by subfamily and tribe. Several photos of each species are provided (when available) to account for wing pattern variation. Placing the mouse cursor over an image will display the name of the taxon and click on an image will load a fact sheet.

PLEASE NOTE: The identification thumbnail galleries contain photos of adults for EVERY species listed in the fact sheets on TortAI. This includes both adult targets, non-targets, and larval targets. The purpose of the thumbnail ID galleries is to provide the user with a broad overview of the variation within each particular subfamily, tribe, and genus, and to provide a quick pictoral overview of the taxa covered in TortAI. The ID thumbnails can also be used for quick species identification if the user is aware that many of the species displayed in the thumbnail galleries are not present in the United States.

If you are attempting to identify tortricid non-targets collected in the United States, a better resource is the Moth Photographers Group. Click HERE to access the Moth Photographers Group website (requires an Internet connection - opens in a new window).

  Tortricids of Agricultural Importance by Todd M. Gilligan and Marc E. Epstein
   Interactive Keys developed in Lucid 3.5. Last updated August 2014.