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Port Interception Target - Larva

Cydia strobilella (Linnaeus) (Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Grapholitini)

Synonyms: kollarana (Tortrix), strobilana (Tortrix), youngana (Enarmonia)

Fig. 1: Male

Fig. 1: Male

Fig. 2: Female

Fig. 2: Female

Fig. 3: Female

Fig. 3: Female

Fig. 4: Male genitalia

Fig. 4: Male genitalia

Fig. 5: Larva in cone

Fig. 5: Larva in cone

Fig. 6: Resting adult

Fig. 6: Resting adult

Adult Recognition

FWL: 4.5-7.0 mm

Adults are dark brown with lighter, metallic, transverse markings. Hindwings are brown. Males lack a forewing costal fold.

Cydia strobilella is similar to other Palearctic pine-feeding Cydia, including C. conicolana, C. cosmophorana, and C. pactolana. A genitalic dissection can be used to confirm identity.

Larval Morphology

Larvae are pale yellow to white with a light or dark-brown head. The prothoracic shield is light brown with darker posterolateral shading.

In North America, larvae of Cydia strobilella are intercepted on spruce cones imported from Europe.


Cydia strobilella completes 1-2 annual generations. In Europe, a single generation is most common and adults are present April to May in the South and May to June in the North. In North America, two generations are common and adults are present in April and May and again in August and September. Adults are active during the afternoon.

Females lay eggs under the scales of young cones. Early instar larvae feed on the scales, later moving to the seeds. Mid- to late instars tunnel inside the cone and form a double, branched mine. Pupation occurs in the cone. Each cone may support several larvae.

Host plants

Larvae are a pest of spruce and have been recorded feeding on various other Pinaceae.

Family Genus/species Common name
Pinaceae Abies alba Mill. silver fir
Pinaceae Abies Mill. fir
Pinaceae Picea A. Dietr. spruce
Pinaceae Picea abies (L.) Karst. Norway spruce
Pinaceae Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm. Engelmann spruce
Pinaceae Picea glauca (Moench) Voss white spruce
Pinaceae Picea jezoensis (Siebold & Zucc.) Carriere
Pinaceae Picea koyamae Shiras.
Pinaceae Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. black spruce
Pinaceae Picea obovata Ledeb.
Pinaceae Picea omorika (Pancic) Purk.
Pinaceae Picea pungens Engelm. blue spruce
Pinaceae Picea rubens Sarg. red spruce
Pinaceae Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carriere Sitka spruce
Pinaceae Pinus pungens Lamb. Table Mountain pine
Pinaceae Pinus sylvestris L. Scots pine


Cydia strobilella occurs from Europe to China and Japan. It is also present in the northern United States and Canada.


Bradley, J. D., W. G. Tremewan and A. Smith. 1979. British Tortricoid Moths - Tortricidae: Olethreutinae. The Ray Society, London, England. 336 pp.

Brockerhoff, E. G. and M. Kenis. 1996. Parasitoids associated with Cydia stobilella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Europe, and considerations for their use for biological control in North America. Biological Control. 6: 202-214.

Heinrich, C. 1926. Revision of the North American moths of the subfamilies Laspeyresiinae and Olethreutinae. Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum. 132: 1-216.

Razowski, J. 2003. Tortricidae of Europe, Vol. 2, Olethreutinae. Frantisek Slamka, Slovakia. 301 pp.

Photo Credits

Fig. 5: Edward H. Holsten, USDA Forest Service,

Fig. 6: James K. Lindsey

Tortricids of Agricultural Importance by Todd M. Gilligan and Marc E. Epstein
Interactive Keys developed in Lucid 3.5. Last updated August 2014.