Lucid Tool Requirements
Lucid3 System Requirements In this tool you will find interactive keys, fact sheets, descriptions, and images to aid in the identification of bark beetles in the southeastern United States. This tool offers a Javascript-based interactive matrix key built using Lucid3 software. Lucid3 is software for creating and using interactive identification keys. Lucid is developed by Identic in Brisbane, Australia. Visit the Lucidcentral website for more information on Lucid and Lucid3. Any modern web browser can be used, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. Javascript must be enabled. An interactive matrix-key is quite different from a traditional dichotomous key. The user is recommended to consult Lucid Best Practices on occasion to pick up new tips and tricks for using the interactive key. HTML pages in key that link outside of the Lucid3 interactive key are viewable without the Lucid3 Applet Player and are all accessible from the home page. NOTE: Some web pages, such as fact sheets attached to items in Lucid3 interactive keys, may be considered pop-ups by certain web browsers. If your browser or an add-on application is set to block pop-ups, you may not be able to view all of the content on these pages. To take full advantage of the information presented in this Lucid tool, please consult your web browser or add-on application's help file for assistance in disabling pop-up blockers.