Oxyopes salticus

           adult female, live; face view

adult female, live; face view

           adult female, live; dorsal view

adult female, live; dorsal view

           adult male, live; face view

adult male, live; face view

           adult male, live; dorsal view

adult male, live; dorsal view

           female genitalia; epigynum

female genitalia; epigynum

           male genitalia; palp, lateral view

male genitalia; palp, lateral view

           male genitalia; palp, ventral view

male genitalia; palp, ventral view

 grape size comparison with adult spiders; male (left), female (right)

grape size comparison with adult spiders; male (left), female (right)

           egg sac

egg sac

           egg sac with scale (cm)

egg sac with scale (cm)

           diagnostic feature; hexagonal eye pattern

diagnostic feature; hexagonal eye pattern

Current valid name

Oxyopes salticus Hentz (family Oxyopidae)

Recognition and diagnostic features

Six of its eyes in hexagon pattern on top of the cephalic region with remaining 2 smaller eyes anterior. Many leg spines perpendicular to leg. Body coloration should be sufficient for identification. Might be confused with Oxyopes scalaris, might be confused with jumping spiders because of compact body form and relatively short legs, might be confused with Mimetus hesperus due to large number of leg spines.

Related or similar species

Oxyopes scalaris, jumping spiders, Mimetus hesperus


Body lengths when mature: male: 4.7 mm (range 3.9 - 5.9), female: 5.9 mm (range 4.6 - 7.4)

Immatures resemble miniature adults.

Egg sac

Description: fastened to several pieces of foliage with silk lines

Number of eggs per sac: two egg sacs reported in Brady (1964) with 19 and 55 progeny


In California: throughout state, more coastal than inland

Elsewhere: eastern half of United States except northernmost Midwest

Native to North America

This species has been transported and become established outside of its range.


Active diurnal hunter. Rarely found in grape bunches nor does it hide in them. Found more frequently on ground vegetation than the vines. Less common than O. scalaris.

Status in table grapes

Level of Incidence: moderately common

Level of Concern in New Zealand: WPNZ (May 2010) nr, BORIC (Dec 2011) nr (not listed), MAF-BPRA (2002) nr (coding definition)

Level of Concern in Australia: WPAU (2006) nr (coding definition)

Level of Medical importance: none

Common name

Striped lynx spider for species, lynx spiders for family

Taxonomic history


Selected references

Brady, A. R. 1964. The lynx spiders of North America, north of Mexico (Araneae: Oxyopidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 131: 431-518.