
plant part

fruit type

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Fruit and seed: S. fischeri (P.H.W. Taubert) J.J.G. Léonard - right fruit; S. zenkeri H.A.T. Harms - left seed in situ.
Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. zenkeri H.A.T. Harms - top left cotyledon with long split and concealing radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R), bottom far left seed topography, bottom left center seeds, testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: S. spp. - fruits, one article, and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. muricatus C. Linnaeus - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.

Fruit and seed: S. spp. - fruits, articles, and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. securidaca (C. Linnaeus) A. von Degen & I. Doerfler - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit: S. paradoxa P.H.W. Taubert - fruit.
Fruit and seed: S. alata (C. Linnaeus) W. Roxburgh - bottom dehisced fruit; S. bicapsularis (C. Linnaeus) W. Roxburgh - right center fruit; S. candolleana (J.R.T. Vogel) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - center fruit; S. didymobotrys (Fresenius) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - left center fruit; S. hirsuta (C. Linnaeus) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - top left dehisced fruit; S. pistaciifolia (K.S. Kunth) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - top right seed in situ.

Fruit and seed: S. alata (C. Linnaeus) W. Roxburgh - 5th row bottom seed topography; S. alexandrina (Thullier) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 4th row center seed topography; S. armata (S. Watson) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 2nd row top fruit; S. artemisioides (Gaudichaud-Beaupre) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 5th row top seed topography; S. covesii (A. Gray) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 3rd row top seed topography; S. hebecarpa (Fernald) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 1st row top fruit; S. italica (P. Miller) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 2nd row center fruit; S. ligustrina (C. Linnaeus) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 1st row 2nd fruit; S. marilandica (C. Linnaeus) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 1st row center fruit cluster and seeds in situ; S. multijuga (L.C. Richard) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 3rd row center seeds in situ, 5th row center seed topography; S. pistaciifolia (K.S. Kunth) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 1st row bottom fruit; S. reticulata (C.L. von Willdenow) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 4th row bottom seed topography; S. siamea (J.B.A.P. de M. de Lamarck) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 3rd row bottom seed topography; S. spp. - 4th row top seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. alata (C. Linnaeus) W. Roxburgh - 1st row center embryo in situ in endosperm, 2nd row top cotyledons cordate with radicle exposed or nearly so; S. alexandrina (Thullier) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 1st row top cotyledons cordate with radicle exposed or nearly so; S. artemisioides (Gaudichaud-Beaupre) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 2nd row bottom 2 views of triple embryos; S. multijuga (L.C. Richard) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 2nd row center cotyledons cordate with radicle exposed or nearly so; S. occidentalis (C. Linnaeus) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - testa SEMs; S. siamea (J.B.A.P. de M. de Lamarck) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - 1st row bottom cotyledons cordate with radicle exposed or nearly so.
Testa: S. alata (C. Linnaeus) W. Roxburgh - right testa SEMs; S. siamea (J.B.A.P. de M. de Lamarck) Irwin & R.C. Barneby - left testa SEMs.
Fruit: S. dilmyi Fosberg - bottom right fruit; S. minahassae (S.H. Koorders) Merrill & Perry subsp. ledermannii (H.A.T. Harms) Kanis - top fruit; S. myriadenia (Guillemin) Planchon ex G. Bentham - bottom left fruit.

Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. hooglandii (Fosberg) Kanis - bottom far left seeds in situ, top far left cotyledons concealing all but radicle tip (L) and embryonic axis (R), top left center seed topography; S. vitiensis A. Gray - bottom left center seeds, testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: S. vesicaria (N.J. von Jacquin) S. Elliott - lower-center group of 3 fruits and upper-right group of 3 seeds; S. spp. - upper-left group of fruits and lower-right group of seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. emerus (J.B.C.F. Aublet) I. Urban - left group of embryo and cotyledons; S. vesicaria (N.J. von Jacquin) S. Elliott - right group with embryo and cotyledons.
Testa: S. emerus (J.B.C.F. Aublet) I. Urban - left group of testa SEMs; S. vesicaria (N.J. von Jacquin) S. Elliott - right group of testa SEMs.

Fruit and seed: S. spp. - fruits and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. pampaniniana Handel-Mazzetti - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: S. siamensis Teysmann - right and left dehisced fruits; S. supa Merrill - center seeds in situ.
Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: S. siamensis Teysmann - bottom left center seed topography; S. supa Merrill - bottom far left seed topography, top left cotyledon split and concealing radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R), testa SEMs; S. spp. - bottom center seeds.