aciculate: sketched lines which appear to have been scratched with a fine needle
acuminate: tapering gradually to a sharp point
alternate: occurring at a determined succession at a specific place
anterior face of club: the side visible when the club is elevated against the head or not visible when club is down and sensing a surface; it usually contains sutures and setae
apical: situated at the apex or extreme outer edge of a structure or appendage
armed: having a sclerotized surface structure, giving a rough texture; may serve as defense
aseptate: not divided, or containing septa or partitions
asperate: of a surface or texture which is rough
asperities: pertaining to surface roughenings or dot-like elevations that are not pointed
asymmetrical: not identical on both sides of a central line
basal: situated at the base or inner edge and proximal to the main body
base: part of any appendage that is nearest the body
bisinuate: displaying two sinuations
bisulcate: a structure that is grooved in two places, often contiguous at both sides of a central line
bituberculate: having two tubercles or pointed sclerotized structures
bristle-like setae: setae that appear stiff, based on an impression conveyed by size and shape
capitate: an elongate structure with a terminal knob-like or head-like enlargement
carina: a ridge or elevation of the cuticle
chitinized: an integument hardened by chitin, the primary substance which hardens the exoskeleton of insects; a hardened area of the exoskeleton
circumtropical: distributed throughout the tropics
club: the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
constricted: contracted or compressed at places along the length of a structure
contiguous: sharing an edge or boundary; touching
convergently: structures coming together at an extreme or apex
coxae: the basal or proximal segment of the insect leg to its body
crenulations: structures on the surface of the integument an having irregular, wavy, or serrate outline
declivital margin: the point where the declivity starts descending from the top or sides of the elytra; also the apical extreme of the elytra
declivity: the apical portion of the beetle elytra that slopes downward
dentate: a structure or surface that has tooth-like prominences; in Scolytinae they are smaller than tubercles
depressed: a structure that is flattened or impressed
dimorphic: a structure that occurs in two different forms, such as color, shape, or size
dimorphism: a genetically controlled condition in which individuals of a species are characterized by distinct patterns of color, size, or shape
disc: the central upper surface of any anatomical structure or body part
distal: near the free end of an appendage; away from the body
elytra: the two external and hardened or sclerotized forewings of adult Coleoptera, often appearing leather-like in texture
elytral suture: the longitudinal junction line between each elytron of adult Coleoptera
emarginate: notched or indented
epistoma: the sclerotized region between the lower frontal area and the mouth parts
epistomal: pertaining to the epistoma
excavated: a pit, groove, or depression of the integument; a concave area on a surface
fossa: a significant depression on the body surface
frons: the upper anterior portion of the head capsule
funicle: the antennal segments located between the scape and the club in some Coleoptera
granules: a small grain-like elevation
grooved: having a long, narrow furrow or channel
hair-like setae: setae that are thin and similar to a hair
holarctic realm: a faunal region comprising Europe, North Africa, Asia north of the Himalaya Mountains, and North America down to Mexico
horn: a conspicuous, pointed process on the head
interstriae: longitudinally arranged lines, often flat or raised, often having setae, and located between the striae on the elytron
marginal: pertaining to the more or less narrow part of a surface within the edge
metepisternum: the sclerite between the first and second lateral thoracic sutures
monospecific: a genus that only contains one known species
neotropical region: the zoogeographical area encompassing South America, Central America, and the West Indies
obliquely truncate: pertaining to a structure abruptly and concavely cut
obovate: inversely egg shaped (ovate), with the narrow end basal
obsolete: pertaining to a structure which is indistinct, not well developed, or almost absent
ornamented: having markings or structures on the esclerotized regions of the integument, such as setae, tubercles, or granules
ovate: egg shaped, with the narrow end apically
pantropical: pertains to organism occurring in the tropical regions of all continents
posterior face: the side not visible when the club is elevated against the head or visible when the club is down and sensing a surface; it usually has no sutures
pregula: a ventral sclerite immediately posterior to the mouth parts, impressed in the subtribe Xyleborina
pregular region: a ventral region immediately posterior to the mouth parts, impressed in the subtribe Xyleborina
procoxae: extra segment occasionally preceding coxa (hip joint) of the first or anterior pair of legs of arthropods
procurved: pertaining to structure (antennae, setae) which is basally perpendicular to the body and whose apical part is curved anteriorly
prominent: raised, elevated, or produced beyond the horizontal plane of a structure
pronotum: the upper or dorsal surface of the first thoracic segment
prothoracic intercoxal piece: a ventral, often triangular, sclerite of the prothorax that extends posteriorly between the anterior coxae
prothoracic precoxal ridge: an elevated, sclerotized ridge extending from the anterior coxae ventrally towards the head
pseudolamellate: an antennal club composed of opposing leaf-like surfaces which are only partially separated
pubescent: covered with closely set setae
punctures: a small impression on the hard outer parts of the insect body like those made by a needle
quadrate: square or nearly so
recumbent: applied to setae which lay in the surface of the body
recurved: bent backward or downward as a smiley face
rhomboid: in the shape of a rhombus
rugulose: minutely rugose or wrinkled
scale-like setae: setae that are wider than hair
scape: the first and basal segment of the insect's antennae
sculpture: markings or patterns of impression or elevation on the body's surface
scutellum: a shield-like bony plate or scale, as on the thorax of some insects
septate: having a septum or septa
septum: a wall, partition, or internal projection within a cavity or hollow organ
serrations: a series or set of saw-like teeth or notches
setae: a hollow, often slender and hair-like cuticular projection
sinuate: descriptive of a narrow and winding thin structure or margin of a feature
sparse: scattered, spread irregularly and some distance apart
spatulate: shaped like a spatual, typically broad at the apex and tapered at the base
spine: a stiff, pointed, tapered process on the surface of the integument, usually long
striae: longitudinally arranged lines often impressed or marked by punctures that are located between the interstriae on the Coleopteran elytron
strigose: marked with fine, close-set grooves, ridges, or streaks
subacutely: moderately acutely shaped
subcircular: almost circular in shape
subcontiguous: pertaining to adjacent structures, margins, or surfaces that are in contact but are not united or fused
subtriangular: nearly or almost triangular in shape
subtropical: descriptive of distribution or occurrence above or below the tropics
sulcate: having narrow, deep furrows or grooves
summit: the highest point or part; the top
sutural: pertaining to a suture such as the elytral suture or midline between the two wings
sutural notch: a notch at the meeting point of the elytral suture
sutures: a seam or seam-like line of contact between two sclerites or hardened body parts immovably connected
symmetrical: identical on both sides of a central line
tarsomere: any of the subsegments of the tarsus in the insect's foot
tibia: the fourth division of an insect's leg, between the femur and the tarsus
tubercles: stiff, pointed, tapered processes on the surface of the integument, usually shorter than a spine
unarmed: having no granules, teeth, tubercles, spines, or other protective structures
vestiture: a surface covering of scales or setae on the body, wing, or other appendage