Bostrychus asperatus Gyllenhal
Adapted from Wood 1982, p. 867-871
This genus is distinguished from the similar Hypocryphalus Hopkins by the 4-segmented antennal funiclefunicle:
the antennal segments located between the scape and the club in some Coleoptera
, the three sutured oval clubclub:
the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
with at least the last two suturessutures:
a seam or seam-like line of contact between two sclerites or hardened body parts immovably connected
bent backward or downward as a smiley face
on the anterior face, and the broad third tarsomeretarsomere:
any of the subsegments of the tarsus in the insect's foot
Species in this genus range from 1.4 to 2.1 mm in length, and are approximately 2.3 to 2.4 times as long as wide. Their color is brown. The pronotumpronotum:
the upper or dorsal surface of the first thoracic segment
is wider than long with the lateral margins marked by a raised line or carinacarina:
a ridge or elevation of the cuticle
, the anterior half is asperateasperate:
of a surface or texture which is rough
and armedarmed:
having a sclerotized surface structure, giving a rough texture; may serve as defense
in its margin by four to eight teeth. The scutellumscutellum:
a shield-like bony plate or scale, as on the thorax of some insects
is not visible. The declivitydeclivity:
the apical portion of the beetle elytra that slopes downward
is convex and covered as the rest of its body by light colored and short, recumbentrecumbent:
applied to setae which lay in the surface of the body
hair-like setaehair-like setae:
setae that are thin and similar to a hair
. The metepisternummetepisternum:
the sclerite between the first and second lateral thoracic sutures
is only visible anteriorly. The anterior margin of the compound eye is emarginateemarginate:
notched or indented
. The scapescape:
the first and basal segment of the insect's antennae
is usually longer than the 4-segmented funiclefunicle:
the antennal segments located between the scape and the club in some Coleoptera
. The clubclub:
the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
is oval and it has at least the last two of its three suturessutures:
a seam or seam-like line of contact between two sclerites or hardened body parts immovably connected
bent backward or downward as a smiley face
. The procoxaeprocoxae:
extra segment occasionally preceding coxa (hip joint) of the first or anterior pair of legs of arthropods
are contiguouscontiguous:
sharing an edge or boundary; touching
North America, Europe, and Asia to Australia
Number of species 199, Native species: 3, Introduced species: 0
Abies, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Sequoia