Bostrichus dactyliperda Fabricius
Adapted from Wood 1982, p. 731-739
Species in the genus Coccotrypes can be distinguished from those in Dryocoetes Eichhoff by the convergentlyconvergently:
structures coming together at an extreme or apex
sketched lines which appear to have been scratched with a fine needle
frons, the smaller oral region and its subtropicalsubtropical:
descriptive of distribution or occurrence above or below the tropics
distribution and hosts.
Species in this genus range from 1.2 to 2.5 mm in length and are approximately 2.1 to 2.5 times as long as wide. Their color ranges from reddish brown to almost black. The fronsfrons:
the upper anterior portion of the head capsule
is convergentlyconvergently:
structures coming together at an extreme or apex
sketched lines which appear to have been scratched with a fine needle
with a sparsesparse:
scattered, spread irregularly and some distance apart
, hair-like vestiturevestiture:
a surface covering of scales or setae on the body, wing, or other appendage
. The pronotumpronotum:
the upper or dorsal surface of the first thoracic segment
is usually longer than wide, with or without asperitiesasperities:
pertaining to surface roughenings or dot-like elevations that are not pointed
. The scutellumscutellum:
a shield-like bony plate or scale, as on the thorax of some insects
is small. The declivitydeclivity:
the apical portion of the beetle elytra that slopes downward
is convex and unarmedunarmed:
having no granules, teeth, tubercles, spines, or other protective structures
. The vestiturevestiture:
a surface covering of scales or setae on the body, wing, or other appendage
consists of abundant and erect hair-like setaehair-like setae:
setae that are thin and similar to a hair
. The anterior margin of the compound eye is emarginateemarginate:
notched or indented
. The scapescape:
the first and basal segment of the insect's antennae
is longer than the 5-segmented funiclefunicle:
the antennal segments located between the scape and the club in some Coleoptera
. The clubclub:
the apical segment of the insect antennae that is enlarged or thickened such that it is anatomically differentiated from the preceding segments
is obliquely truncateobliquely truncate:
pertaining to a structure abruptly and concavely cut
, with none to two recurvedrecurved:
bent backward or downward as a smiley face
sutures on its posterior faceposterior face:
the side not visible when the club is elevated against the head or visible when the club is down and sensing a surface; it usually has no sutures
. The procoxaeprocoxae:
extra segment occasionally preceding coxa (hip joint) of the first or anterior pair of legs of arthropods
are contiguouscontiguous:
sharing an edge or boundary; touching
Essentially circumtropicalcircumtropical:
distributed throughout the tropics
, but transported through commerce to all parts of the world
Number of species: 128, Native species: 0, Introduced species: 8
Coccotrypes advena, C. carpophagus, C. cyperi, C. distinctus, C. rhizophorae, C. robustus, and C. vulgaris are present in Florida
Coccotrypes dactyliperda is present in California, Arizona, Texas, and Florida.
Annona, Coccothrinax, Coccothrinus, Cynometra, Eugenia, Euterpe, Livistonia, Mammea, Mangifera, Orbignya, Persea, Phoenix, Phytelephas, Rhizophora, Sabal, Theobroma, Thrinax