Archips xylosteana


Exotic, but established


Archips xylosteana (Linnaeus) (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Archipini)

Common names: apple leaf roller, brown oak tortrix, variegated golden tortrix

Synonyms: characterana (Tortrix), densata (Phalaena), gilvana (Tortrix), hybnerana (Pyralis), obliquana (Pyralis), pallens (var.), westriniana (Tortrix)

Subspecies: A. xylosteana sabrinae (France)

Adult Recognition

forewing length; the distance from the base of the forewing to the apex, including fringe
: 7.0-10.0 mm (male); 9.0-11.0 mm (female)

Forewing ground color is pale pinkish brown. Forewing markings are dark reddish brown and include a basal patch and a well-defined median fasciafascia:
a dark transverse band on the forewing
that is narrow at the costacosta:
the anterior margin of each wing
and broadened at the dorsumdorsum:
the lower (usually posterior) or inner margin
. The subterminal fasciafascia:
a dark transverse band on the forewing
gives the appearance of a costal spotcostal spot:
a patch of contrasting scales on the costa, usually a remnant of the postmedian or preterminal fascia
on many individuals. Hindwings are grayish brown. Males have a forewing costal foldforewing costal fold:
a flap or fold at the base of the forewing that contains specialized sex scales

Male genitalia are characterized by a large, parallel-sided uncusuncus:
a sclerotized process which is fused to the posterodorsal margin of tergum IX
, rounded valvavalva:
an appendage flanking the intromittent organ that is used to clasp the female during copulation
, and well-defined sacculussacculus:
the ventral margin of the male valva
with a short projection. Female genitalia are characterized by a very long ductus bursaeductus bursae:
a membranous tube connecting the ostium bursae to the corpus bursae
with cestumcestum:
a long, bandlike sclerotization of the wall of the ductus bursae
and a signumsignum:
a sclerotized projection or patch on the interior of the corpus bursae
in the round corpus bursaecorpus bursae:
a dilated membranous sac at the anterior end of the bursa copulatrix

Larval Morphology

The following account is summarized from Swatschek (1958)Swatschek (1958):
Swatschek, B. 1958. Die larval systematik der wickler (Tortricidae und Carposinidae) aus dem zoologischen Institut der Universitat Erlangen. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. 269 pp. [Abhandlungen zur larvalsystematik Insekten 3.]

Last instar larvae are greenish gray to whitish gray. The head and prothoracic shieldprothoracic shield:
a sclerotized plate on the dorsal surface of the prothorax
are black or dark brown and are separated by a white line. Thoracic legs are dark brown or black.

Similar Species

Archips xylosteana can appear similar to other Archips, including A. betulana, A. crataegana, Agrisea, Amagnoliana, A. oporana, A. podana, and A. rosana. A genitalic dissection can be used to confirm identity. Hoebeke et al. (2008) provides useful diagnoses to separate A. xylosteana from several similar Palearctic and Nearctic species.


The following account is summarized from Bradley et al. (1973) and Hoebeke et al. (2008).

Archips xylosteana completes a single generation per year. Adults are present in late June to mid-August. Females deposit eggs in masses on branches or tree trunks. Eggs overwinter and first instar larvae hatch the following spring. Early instars feed on leaves and buds while later instars produce a leaf roll and skeletonize the leaf from inside. Pupation occurs from mid-May to June in a folded leaf and adults emerge in 9-12 days.

In Europe this species is considered a minor pest of fruit trees, where it can cause damage to buds and new foliage. Larvae may also feed on fruitlets causing superficial damage.

Larvae of Archips xylosteana feed on a variety of tree species.

Archips xylosteana (Linnaeus) Host plant family Reference(s)
Acer sp. Aceraceae Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Razowski 1977Razowski 1977:
Razowski, J. 1977. Monograph of the genus Archips Hubner (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia. 22: 55-206.
Alnus sp. Betulaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Betula sp. Betulaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Corylus avellana Betulaceae Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Lonicera periclymenum Caprifoliaceae Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Fox 2004Fox 2004:
Fox, B. W. 2004. A study of the guild of Lepidoptera foraging on honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum L. Entomologistrsquo;s Gazette. 55: 35-43.
Lonicera sp. Caprifoliaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Hypericum sp. Clusiaceae Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Cornus controversa Cornaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Castanea crenata Fagaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Castanea sp. Fagaceae Park 1983bPark 1983b:
Park, K. T. 1983b. Microlepidoptera of Korea. Insecta Koreana. 3: 8-24.
; Teramoto 1996Teramoto 1996:
Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai . Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Quercus acutissima Fagaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Teramoto 1996Teramoto 1996:
Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai . Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Quercus cerris Fagaceae Teramoto 1996Teramoto 1996:
Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai . Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Quercus dentata Fagaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Quercus robur Fagaceae Disque 1908Disque 1908:
Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
Quercus serrata Fagaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Teramoto 1996Teramoto 1996:
Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai . Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Quercus sp. Fagaceae Meyrick MS 1938Meyrick MS 1938:
Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Fraxinus excelsior Oleaceae Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Abies sp.   Pinaceae Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Crataegus sp.   Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Malus domestica Rosaceae Alfaro 1950Alfaro 1950:
Alfaro, A. 1950. Orugas de Archips en el arbolado frutal de la ribera del Jaloacute;n. Bol. Pat. Veg. Entomol. Agric. (Madrid) 17: 37-59.
; Sylven 1958Sylven 1958:
Sylven, E. 1958. Studies on fruit leaf tortricids (Lepidoptera), with special reference to the periodicity of the adult moths. Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt, Meddelanden [Swedish State Plant Protection Institute Contributions] 11: 74, pp. 135-296. Stockholm.
Malus pumila Rosaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Prunus armeniaca Rosaceae

Host plant table (embedded)

View full screen host table here


Archips xylosteana is distributed throughout Europe, Asia (China, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Siberia, Turkey), and northern Africa (Algeria). It was first discovered in North America (Newfoundland, Canada) in 2005.


Additional photos and a distribution map of this species in North America are available at Moth Photographers Group
 Male genitalia
Male genitalia
 Female genitalia
Female genitalia
 Resting adult. © Svdmolen, Wikipedia Creative Commons
Resting adult. © Svdmolen, Wikipedia Creative Commons
 Resting adult. © Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute,
Resting adult. © Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute,
 Larva. © Fabio Stergulc, Università di Udine,
Larva. © Fabio Stergulc, Università di Udine,
 Larva. © Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute,
Larva. © Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute,
 Larval damage. © Milan Zubrik, Forest Research Institute - Slovakia,
Larval damage. © Milan Zubrik, Forest Research Institute - Slovakia,
 Larva. © Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute,
Larva. © Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute,
 Larval damage. © Milan Zubrik, Forest Research Institute - Slovakia,
Larval damage. © Milan Zubrik, Forest Research Institute - Slovakia,