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Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: H. afzelii (D. Oliver) H.A.T. Harms - top left center seed topography, far left cotyledon split and shallowly notched and concealing all but tip of radicle (above) and embryonic axis (below), testa SEMs; H. laxiflora (G. Bentham) H.A.T. Harms - left center seed topography; H. spp. - bottom left center seeds.
Fruit and seed: H. sophoroides (P.J. Bergius) H.E. Baillon - fruits, valve, and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: H. sophoroides (P.J. Bergius) H.E. Baillon - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: I. costatum (J.B.A. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) Schrire - fruits; I. spp. - seeds.

Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: I. fastigiatum (E.H.F. Meyer) Schrire - embryo, cotyledons, testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: I. spp. - narrow fruits, wide fruits, and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: I. kirilowii C.J. Maximowicz & I.V. Palibin - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: I. oudhensis (Brandis) J.P.M. Brenan - fruits.

Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: I. oudhensis (Brandis) J.P.M. Brenan - top left cotyledon not concealing radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R), center left seed in situ, bottom left seeds, and testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: I. sapindoides C.L. von Willdenow - bottom fruit, right transection of fruit showing seed; I. sessilis (Vellozo) C.F.P. von Martius - top fruit; I. spectabilis (M.H. Vahl) C.L. von Willdenow - left seeds in situ.
Fruit and seed: I. alba (Sweet) C.L. von Willdenow - bottom far left embryo in situ; I. edulis C.F.P. von Martius - bottom fruit; I. laurina (O. Swartz) C.L. von Willdenow - top right fruit; I. marginata C.L. von Willdenow - right center fruit cluster and fruit segment; I. nobilis C.L. von Willdenow - top left fruit.
Fruit and seed: I. alba (Sweet) C.L. von Willdenow - center seed topograpy, 2nd row top seed; I. capitata A.N. Desvaux - bottom right partial fruit, right center embryo in situ; I. marginata C.L. von Willdenow - top, left to right, free endocarp containing 1 seed in situ, free endocarp containing 1 seed, seed outline; I. nobilis C.L. von Willdenow - 1st row top embryo within 1-seeded endocarp segment (L) and cotyledons (R); I. vera C.L. von Willdenow subsp. affinis (A.P. de Candolle) T.D. Pennington - 2nd row bottom seed in transection (L) and testa (R); I. spp. - 1st row bottom seeds.

Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: I. alba (Sweet) C.L. von Willdenow - bottom left testa SEM; I. ingoides (A. Richards) C.L. von Willdenow - top left cotyledons concealing radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R); I. vera C.L. von Willdenow subsp. affinis (A.P. de Candolle) T.D. Pennington - right testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: I. congesta T.D.Pennington - bottom left fruit; I. pleiogyna T.D. Pennington - bottom right fruit, top embryos in situ.
Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: I. congesta T.D.Pennington - top left center cotyledon concealing radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R), bottom left center seed, testa SEMs; I. pleiogyna T.D. Pennington - bottom left embryo.
Fruit and seed: I. fagifer (S. Parkinson) F.R. Fosberg - seeds; I. spp. - fruits.

Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: I. fagifer (S. Parkinson) F.R. Fosberg - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: I. bijuga (Colebrooke) C.E.O. Kuntze - top seed in situ; I. palembanica F.A.W. Miquel - bottom fruit.
Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: I. bijuga (Colebrooke) C.E.O. Kuntze - top left center seed topography, far left cotyledon split and notched and concealing all but tip of radicle (above) and embryonic axis (below), bottom left center seeds, testa SEMs; I. palembanica F.A.W. Miquel - left center seed topography.
Fruit and seed: I. dalzielii W.G. Craib & O. Stapf - bottom fruit; I. doka W.G. Craib & O. Stapf - top seed in situ.