

Weberbauerella O.E. Ulbrich Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37: 551. 30 Oct 1906.

Subfamily: Faboideae.
Phylogenetic Number: 3.14.18.
Tribe: Aeschynomeneae.
Subtribe: Poiretiinae.
Species Studied - Species in Genus: 0 studied; 2 in genus.


Coastal Peru.

New World; South America (coastal Peru); Peru (endemic to Peru).

Generic Notes

Weberbauerella brongniartioides O.E. Ulbrich was described as fruit unknown. Unfortunately, Ferreyra (1951) when describing W. raimondiana R. Ferreyra did not have access to seeds and fruits. One "fruit" of W. brongniartioides (Goodspeed 04179, GH) was dissected. It had well defined tissues, but structures unlike those of any other legumelegume:
usually dry, dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel that opens along two longitudinal sutures
fruit. No seed or embryo could be found. Since the identity of the structure could not be determined, there are no data for this genus.

Tribal Notes

Tribe Aeschynomeneae

Rudd (1981a) recognized four subtribes of Aeschynomeneae: Ormocarpinae V.E. Rudd (genera 3.14.01–3.14.08), Aeschynomeninae (genera 3.14.09–3.14.16), Discolobinae (A.E. Burkart) V.E. Rudd (genus 3.14.17: Discolobium), Poiretiinae (A.E. Burkart) V.E. Rudd (genera 3.14.18–3.14.21), and Stylosanthinae (G. Bentham) V.E. Rudd (genera 3.14.22–13.4.26). Tribal and subtribal placement of Diphysa is based on Lavin (1987; Polhill, 1994a, 1994b), and not on Polhill and Sousa (1981), who placed Diphysa in Robinieae. Bailey et al. (1997), using the chloroplast rpl2 intron and ORF184, suggested that Brya (11.01), Cranocarpus (11.02), Phylacium (11.22), and Neocollettia (11.26) are not members of Desmodieae (11) and that they probably belong in Aeschynomeneae.