

Stonesiella M.D. Crisp & P.H. Weston Taxon 48(4):711. 1999.

Subfamily: Faboideae.
Phylogenetic Number: 3.24.24A.
Tribe: Mirbelieae.
Species Studied - Species in Genus: 0 studied; 1 in genus.


Fruit: A legumelegume:
usually dry, dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel that opens along two longitudinal sutures
; unilocular; 0.4–0.5 cm long; with deciduous androecial sheath; with deciduous corolla; with persistent calyx; with calyx equal in length to fruit, or shorter than fruit; without orifice formed by curving of fruit or fruit segments; curved; not plicate; not twisted; asymmetrical; broadly ovate; not inflated; with beak; with solid beak the same color and texture as fruit; with the apex and base uniform in texture; coriaceous; margin not constricted; margin without sulcus; margin plain; wing(s) absent; with all layers dehiscing; splitting along suture(s). Replum invisible. Epicarp brown; with surface texture uniform; pubescent and indurate; with 1 type of pubescence; villous; with pubescence uniformly distributed; with simple hairs; eglandular; without spines; not tuberculate; without embedded tissue, much thicker than epicarp, running from base to apex. Aril present.

Seed: Not overgrown; angular; symmetrical; triangular; with surface smooth; with visible radicle and cotyledon lobes. Testa present; free from endocarp; colored. Pleurogram absent. Pseudopleurogram absent. Wing(s) absent. Cotyledons without margins recessed.


Tasmanian endemic.

Old World; Australia (endemic to Tasmania, known from only four locations, Crisp et al., 1999).

Generic Notes

Crisp et al. (1999) created this monotypic genus for a single species of Pultenaea (3.24.23) known from just four locations in Tasmania, Stonesiella selaginoides (Hook. f.) Crisp & P.H. Weston. They considered this genus to be the sister group to Aleemalea (3.24.24). All data was extracted from Crisp et al. (1999).

Tribal Notes

Tribe Mirbelieae

Crisp and Weston (1987) analyzed the Mirbelieae, and we are following their species counts. We did not treat the following new taxa of Crisp and Weston: the Pultenaea incurvata A. Cunningham group of five species; Pultenaea neurocalyx P.K.N.S. Turczanivow, a one species group; Aotus phyliocides G. Bentham, a one species group; and, Oxylobium microphyllum G. Bentham, a two species genus. The genus Cupulanthus J. Hutchinson is listed on page 85 of Crisp and Weston (1987) and not mentioned by them again. Crisp and Weston (1995) have continued their phylogenetic studies of Mirbelieae, and proposed two major generic changes, the resurrection of Podolobium R. Brown with six species of Oxylobium (24.09, see Notes for Oxylobium) and a new genus, tentatively to be named Otion. Otion, as projected, will have six species, two new ones and four from four different genera: Aotus phylicoides G. Bentham, Burtonia simplicifolia F.J.H. von Mueller & R. Tate, Oxylobium microphyllum G. Bentham, and Phyllota luehmannii F.J.H. von Mueller.