

Guinetia M. de L. Rico Arce & M. Sousa S. Kew Bull., 54(4): 977. 1999 (Feb 2000).

Subfamily: Mimosoideae.
Phylogenetic Number: 2.5.12A.
Tribe: Ingeae.
Species Studied - Species in Genus: 0 studied; 1 in genus.


Fruit: A legume; unilocular; 6 cm long; 0.7–0.9 cm wide; 2–9 times longer than wide; with deciduous androecial sheath; with deciduous corolla; with deciduous calyx; without orifice formed by curving of fruit or fruit segments; straight, or curved (slightly); not plicate; not twisted; symmetrical; oblong; not inflated; flattened; with beak; straight; with solid beak the same color and texture as fruit; tapered at apex to rounded at apex; aligned with longitudinal axis of fruit; rounded at base; aligned with longitudinal axis of fruit; with the apex and base uniform in texture; chartaceous; seed chambers externally invisible; margin constricted; margin slightly constricted along both margins; margin without sulcus; margin plain; wing(s) absent; nonstipitate; with all layers dehiscing; splitting along suture(s). Dehiscence of valves along 1 suture (before full maturity), or both sutures (after full maturity); passive. Replum invisible. Epicarp monochrome; brown (when mature); with surface texture uniform; pubescent but soon deciduous (when young), or glabrate; with 1 type of pubescence; without spines; not tuberculate. Seed(s) (4–)6–7.

Seed: 6.6–7.3 mm long; 4–6.5 mm wide; 2.4 mm thick; not overgrown; not angular; symmetrical; sub circular; without visible radicle and cotyledon lobes; without umbo on seed faces; without medial ridge on each face. Cuticle not exfoliating; not inflated. Testa present; without pieces of adhering epicarp; not adhering to endocarp; free from endocarp; not modified by a bloom; colored; monochrome; brown; glabrous. Pleurogram present; 70 %. Pseudopleurogram absent. Wing(s) absent. Cotyledons not folded.


Oaxaca, Mexico.

New World; Mexico (Oaxaca [Rico Arce et al., 1999]).

Generic Notes

Rico Arce et al. (1999) compared their new genus to six other genera, but did not declare which one was most closely related to it. Therefore we have provisionally placed it after Chloroleucon. No specimen was available for study, so the data was extracted from the original description and figure of the new genus.