

Goodia R.A. Salisbury Parad. Lond. ad t. 41. 1 Jul 1806.

Subfamily: Faboideae.
Phylogenetic Number: 3.23.05.
Tribe: Bossiaeeae.
Group: Bossiaea.
Species Studied - Species in Genus: 2 studied; 2 in genus.


Southern Australia including Tasmania.

Old World; Australia (southern to Tasmania).

Generic Notes

Ross (1997) monographed the genus recognizing two species. The only reliable character separating the two species is the length of the aril foot at its point of attachment to the seed, 1.4–2 mm long in Goodia lotifolia G. Salisbury and up to 1.1 mm long in G. medicagnea. Polhill (1976) provided a full page plate of external and internal seed characters of G. lotifolia.

Tribal Notes

Tribe Bossiaeeae

The Bossiaeeae with ten genera traditionally has been divided into two groups in part on fruit and seed characters. The Templetonia group with the first four genera (including at the time Lamprolobium, 23.02) has non-winged, coriaceous legumes and compressed seeds bearing a collarlike often-lipped aril (except Templetonia biloba (G. Bentham) R.M. Polhill), and a short, straight radicle. The Bossiaea group with the remaining genera has the legumes keeled to winged or not so, plump seeds often covered by a hooded caplike aril (lacking in Muelleranthus (23.08) and Ptychosema (23.09)), and a slender deflexed radicle exserted from the cotyledons. Crisp and Weston (1987, pages 105–107) in their cladistic analysis of the Bossiaeeae, Brongniartieae (22), and Mirbelieae (24), provided compelling evidence that the Bossiaeeae should be redefined to include only the Bossiaea group (genera 23.05–23.10). The Templetonia group would be moved to the Brongniartieae becoming genera three through eight, after Brongniarta (22.01) and Harpalyce (22.02). The proposed generic sequence would be: 3, Templetonia (23.01); 4, Lamprolobium; 5, Plagiocarpus (23.03); 6, ?Genus A (Templetonia incana J.H. Ross); 7, ?Genus B (Templetonia biloba (G. Bentham) R.M. Polhill); and 8, Hovea (23.04). They (Crisp and Weston, 1995) retracted their proposal to transfer the Templetonia group because of Chappill's (1995) cladistic analysis of the entire family, and we have used the traditional circumscriptions of the two tribes (Pohill, 1994a, 1994b).

 Fruit and seed:  G.  spp. - fruits (closed and dehisced) and seeds.
Fruit and seed: G. spp. - fruits (closed and dehisced) and seeds.
 Cotyledon, embryo, and testa:  G. medicagnea  F.J.H. von Mueller - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: G. medicagnea F.J.H. von Mueller - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.