Leaf-footed and stink bugs

Scientific name

Order Hemiptera, suborder Heteroptera

Similar species

True bugs, particularly in the suborder of Heteroptera, are commonly mistaken for beetles and cockroaches. Each group can be easily distinguished by antennae type, mouthparts, and wing position at rest.

Beetles Cockroaches True bugs
Antennae Segmented antennae Long, filamentous Varies
Mouthparts Chewing Chewing Piercing-sucking
Wing position at rest Elytra fold flat to create a straight line down the middle of the back Wings directly overlap on the back Wings gently overlap on the back and have a shield-like shape

Diagnostic characteristics

  • Smallest - 12 mm (0.5 in.).
  • Largest - 20 mm (0.79 in.).
  • Broad to elongate shield shape.
  • Shield shape is monochrome or marked with transversal patterns like zigzags, dots, or stripes.
  • Either mottled in appearance or with a solid green to black body.
  • Forewings have a leathery base and membranousmembranous:
    with the same character as a membrane, typically used to refer to structures like wings that are clear and translucent like a membrane
    tip (hemelytra).
  • Hindwings are membranousmembranous:
    with the same character as a membrane, typically used to refer to structures like wings that are clear and translucent like a membrane
  • Membranous membranous:
    with the same character as a membrane, typically used to refer to structures like wings that are clear and translucent like a membrane
    hindwings fold beneath the hemelytrahemelytra:
    the forewings typical of many hemipterans; the base of the wing is leathery and the tip of the wing is membranous
    when at rest
  • Closed hemelytrahemelytra:
    the forewings typical of many hemipterans; the base of the wing is leathery and the tip of the wing is membranous
    lay flat against the body.
  • Hind legs are either slender or leaf-shaped.
  • The 'feet' or tarsi are 3-segmented.
  • Antennae are at least 4-segmented.
  • Antennae either uniform yellow to brown or multicolored with light bands.
  • Dark red to black eyes.
  • Piercing-sucking mouthparts piercing-sucking mouthparts:
    labium encloses the mandibles and maxillae, which are modified into stylets for piercing and sucking; characteristic of hempiterans
    (rostrum) are 4-segmented and arise from the anterioranterior:
    situated near the front of the body; nearer to the head
    portion of the headhead:
    one of the three main body segments in insects; the anterior-most segment containing the many sensory structures including the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts
  • If disturbed, odorous glands on abdomenabdomen:
    one of the three body segments in insects; the most posterior segment containing the heart, reproductive organs, and digestive organs
    will emit a pungent odor.
  • Typically 5 nymphal instars.
  • Piercing-sucking mouthparts piercing-sucking mouthparts:
    labium encloses the mandibles and maxillae, which are modified into stylets for piercing and sucking; characteristic of hempiterans
  • Nymphs are structurally similar to adults but have undeveloped wings (wing pads).
  • Either uniform red to black or multicolored with black body parts (appendages).
  • If present, antennae are either monochrome or have colored banding.
  • Early instars tend to group together (aggregate) while later instars become solitarysolitary:
    insects that feed or move about individually, not in groups
  • Smallest - 1mm (0.04 in.).
  • Largest - 1.8 mm (less than 0.1 in.).
  • Barrel-shaped to cylindrical in shape.
  • Creamy white to pale green but may darken during incubation.
  • Several species glue eggs onto the underside of leaves.


Citrus hosts

Some heteropteran species have all citrus species and their hybrids listed as hosts, including the brown marmorated stink bug and southern green stink bug. See individual fact sheets for more detailed information.

Non-citrus hosts

Heteropterans have a broad host rangehost range:
the range of species that a particular organism can feed on to achieve successful growth and reproduction
that includes weeds as well as vegetables, field, and flower crops. See individual fact sheets for more detailed information.

Host damage


Nymphs and adults prefer to feed on young, developing fruits. Feeding leaves brown dimpling and dark discoloration marks. Over time, damaged fruit may collapse inward and bear empty seeds. Necroticnecrotic:
the damage caused by cell death (necrosis) in plants or other organisms, often a result of insect feeding on plants, and displayed as brown or black coloration of tissues
spotting and fruit drop can occur during heavy infestation.


Nymphs and adults cause leaf discoloration through excessive feeding. Leaves can wilt, appear yellow (chlorosis), or have brown discolored markings.


Nymphs and adults will feed on tender, growing shoots resulting in browning and stem withering.


Females deposit eggs either in single rows or in clusters on foliage, stem tissue, or on the underside of leaves or fruits. Eggs hatch about a week later. Nymphs aggregate and feed on the host planthost plant:
the plant the provides sustenance for an insect
stems, leaves, and fruit for about one month. After five instars, nymphs moltmolt:
process of shedding the external skeleton during periods of growth; occurs between successive instars of a larva or nymph
into adults. Adults overwinter and emerge in the spring to mate and resume feeding by switching host plants. If threatened or disturbed, adults emit a distinct, sharp odor through the scent glands.


Davies, F. and L. Jackson. 2009. Pest disease and weed management for the bearing grove, pp. 204-221. In Citrus growing in Florida. 5th ed. University of Florida Press. Gainesville, Florida.

Jacobs, S. 2010. Brown marmorated stink bug, Halymorpha halys. Penn State University- Department of Entomology. Extension Publication PH-1. (http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/pdf/BrownMarmoratedStinkBug.pdf).

Kamminga, K., D.A. Herbert, S. Malone, T.P. Kuhar, and J. Green. 2009. Field guide to stink bugs of agricultural importance in the upper southern region and mid-Atlantic states. Virginia Cooperative Extension. (http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/444/444-356/444-356_pdf.pdf).

Mead, M.D. 1971. Annotated key to leaffooted bugs, Leptoglossus spp. In Florida (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Division of Plant Industry. Entomology Circular 113. (http://www.freshfromflorida.com/pi/enpp/ento/entcirc/ent113.pdf).

Triplehorn, C. and N. Johnson. 2004. Hemiptera. Pp. 268- 273 In Borror and DeLong's Introduction to the study of insects. 7th ed. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. Belmonte, California.


Guerrero, S., J.A. Weeks, and A.C. Hodges

 brown marmorated stink bug adult; photo by Natasha Wright, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,  www.bugwood.org
brown marmorated stink bug adult; photo by Natasha Wright, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, www.bugwood.org
 leaf-footed bug adult; photo by Lyle Buss, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida

leaf-footed bug adult; photo by Lyle Buss, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida

 southern green stink bug adult; photo by Russ Ottens, University of Georgia,  www.bugwood.org
southern green stink bug adult; photo by Russ Ottens, University of Georgia, www.bugwood.org