Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Diabrotica viridula
banded cucumber beetle, Diabrotica balteata
The cucurbit beetle (Diabrotica speciosa) is nearly identical to a species common in the southeastern United States, the banded cucumber beetle (Diabrotica balteata). The larvae of the banded cucumber beetle can cause extensive damage to tuber-bearing crops.
United States: not known to occur in the United States.
Worldwide: South America.
Native to South America.
All Citrus species and their hybrids.
The adults are highly polyphagous, recorded on over 60 species. Feed mainly on vegetables, but are particularly associated with Cucurbitaceae. A partial list includes:
Flowers are preferred by adults; reduces yield.
General damage by adult feeding.
Adults will feed on foliage when flowers are not available. Damage by adult feeding can cause defoliation.
Larvae infest and eat roots resulting in stunted growth.
The cucurbit beetle is cold-tolerant and overwinters as an adult. They hide in the crown or rosettes of winter-growing plants. In the spring, adults emerge to feed on the host planthost plant:
the plant the provides sustenance for an insect
. Adults like to feed on pollen-rich flowers such as cucurbits, thistle, and sunflower. Eggs are oviposited on the soil close to a host planthost plant:
the plant the provides sustenance for an insect
. Larvae complete three instars while feeding on the roots of the host planthost plant:
the plant the provides sustenance for an insect
and pupate in the soil. Multiple generations are possible. In tropical areas, the cucurbit beetle reproduces continuously.
The cucurbit beetle is reported to semi-persistently vector Passionfruit yellow mosaic virus, Mimosa mosaic virus, and Purple granadilla mosaic virus. However, none of these viruses are reported to infect Citrus spp.
Germain, J.F. 2000. EPPO Pest risk assessment area: Europe (01/8504) - Diabrotica speciosa (Germar). (http://pest.ceris.purdue.edu/services/napisquery/pam_detail.php?id=INAMFQA).
Jackson, L. 2010. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey - Approved methods: Cucurbit Beetle - Diabrotica speciosa. (http://pest.ceris.purdue.edu/services/napisquery/query.php?code=cam).
(OEPP/EPPO). 2005. EPPO data sheets on quarantine pests Diabrotica speciosa. OEPP/EPPO Bull. 35: 374-376.(http://www.eppo.org/QUARANTINE/insects/Diabrotica_speciosa/DS_Diabrotica_speciosa.pdf).
Weeks, J.A., K. W. Martin, A.C. Hodges, and N.C. Leppla