
Inside or outside hive


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Hygienic behavior
Hygienic bees uncapping worker pupae to remove reproducing Varroa mites; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Hygienic behavior
Hygienic bees uncapping worker pupae to remove reproducing Varroa mites; photo by Meghan Milbrath
Hygienic behavior
Uncapping and recapping behavior of hygienic bees; photo by Steve Gomes
Hygienic behavior
Hygienic bees uncapping worker pupae to interrupt Varroa mite reproduction; photo by The BeeMD photo collection

Hygienic behavior
Spotty brood pattern (PMS); photo by Robert Snyder
Hygienic behavior
Spotty brood; uncapping of pupae by hygienic bees; photo by Ana Heck
Hygienic behavior
Test to determine hygienic tendency. About 100 capped brood were killed by freeze drying and checked 24 hours later to see the extent of removal. This demonstrated heightened hygienicity; photo by Robert Snyder

Improper smoker use
Using smoker (right hand) when opening colony; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Improper smoker use
Using smoker for colony inspection; photo by Dewey M. Caron

Improper smoker use
Bee smoker in metal pail as fire protection; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Improper smoker use
Worker response to smoke: abandon brood, fill honey stomach with honey; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Improperly mated queen
Marked queen with poorly defined retinue; photo by The BeeMD photo collection

Improperly mated queen
Spotty brood pattern; lack of consistency in age of brood; photo by Robert Snyder
Improperly mated queen
Spotty pattern with scattered drone brood (dome-shaped cells); photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Israeli acute paralysis virus
Bees infected with a virus; photo courtesy Animal and Plant Health Agency, Crown Copyright, UK
Kashmir bee virus
Tiny, hairless adult bees; photo courtesy Animal and Plant Health Agency, Crown Copyright, UK

Large hive beetles
Large hive beetles (from Africa); photo by Penn State University
Laying workers
Multiple eggs in worker cells, which is characteristic of laying workers; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Laying workers
Multiple eggs in worker cells; note the numerous cells containing bee bread; photo by Robert Snyder

Laying workers
Laying workers and multiple eggs in cells; photo by Zachary Huang,
Marked queen
Marked queen with white paint; photo by Robert Snyder
Marked queen
Marked and clipped (right forewing) queen; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Marked queen
Marking queen with red paint dot on thorax; photo by The BeeMD photo collection

Marked queen
Unmarked queen; photo by Robert Snyder
Marked queen
Worker retinue around marked queen (disc numbered 25); photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Marked queen
Marked queen with clipped right wing; photo by Robert Snyder
Marked queen
Queen poorly marked with paint on wing; photo by Dewey M. Caron