
Inside or outside hive


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Queen cup
Capped queen cells; photo by Elaine Timm
Queen cup
Numerous queen cups; photo by Charles Vanden Heuvel
Queen cup
Queen cups hanging vertically from bottom bars of top box; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Queen failure
Queen lacking retinue could signify queen failure; photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey

Queen failure
Newly emerged virgin queen; photo by Dan Borkoski
Queen fainting
Queen that fainted; photo by Zachary Huang,
Queen in honey super
Queen on frame of ripening nectar above queen excluder; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Queen in honey super
Adding queen excluder above brood before supering; photo by Dewey M. Caron

Queen in honey super
Queen excluder; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Queen rejection
Workers aggressively seeking to harm caged queen; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Queen rejection
Adult mated queen introduction cage; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Queen rejection
Observe the behavior of workers toward confined queen at introduction; photo by Penn State University

Queen rejection
Bees balling (rejecting) queen; photo by Wyatt Mangum
Queen shut down
Small-bodied queen; could be due to poor genetics or queen shut down; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Queenless colony
Emergency queen cells; colony is queenless until a virgin hatches; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Queenless colony
Multiple eggs in worker cells; sign of a laying worker colony that is queenless; photo by The BeeMD photo collection

Queenless colony
Queenless colony brood area filled with nectar in cells; photo by Steve Repasky
Queenless colony
Drone-laying queen is not a queenless colony; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Queens fighting
Two virgin queens fighting; photo by

Bees robbing hive at left; photo by Ana Heck
Robbing; photo by Honey Bee Health Coalition
Robbing screen at colony entrance; photo by Eric Mussen (deceased), UC Davis
Hive entrance protected with robbing screen; photo by Dewey M. Caron

Robbing by bees and yellowjackets at external Boardman feeder; photo by Dewey M. Caron
Sacbrood virus
Dead prepupae with SBV removed from the cell; photo by Robert Snyder
Sacbrood virus
Dead prepupae with sacbrood virus, removed from cell; photo by The BeeMD photo collection
Sacbrood virus
Capped cells opened to view SBV-infected larvae; photo by Robert Snyder

Scenting worker; photo by Robert Snyder
Scenting worker bee; photo by The BeeMD photo collection