Proeulia spp.




Included species:

Accuminulia Brown (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Cochylini)

  • A. buscki Brown

Chileulia Powell (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Cochylini)

  • C. stalactitis (Meyrick)

Proeulia Clarke (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Cochylini)

  • P. apospasta Obraztsov
  • P. auraria (Clarke)
  • P. chrysopteris (Butler)
  • P. triquetra Obraztsov


The Chilean Tortricidae fauna is unique in that the majority of taxa are endemic. Members of the tribe Euliini are the most abundant, comprising nearly 90% of the described tortricid fauna. Included in this tribe are several genera containing species of economic concern: Proeulia, with 41 described species; Accuminulia, with two described species; and Chileulia with two described species. Species in these genera have been reported feeding on Citrus (orange, tangerine), Malus (apple), Prunus (apricot, cherry, peach, plum), Pyrus (pear), and Vitis (grape), and some are considered serious pests in orchards and vineyards. Razowski and Pelz (2010) provide a complete list of tortricids recorded from Chile and described numerous new species.

Chilean tortricids of greatest concern to the U.S. are those that are pests of table grapes. The U.S. imports nearly twice as many grapes as it exports; imported grapes totaled approximately $730 million in 2004. A majority of the fresh grapes imported to the U.S. are used as table grapes and imports are necessary to maintain a supply of table grapes during the months of January through June. Chile is the largest exporter of grapes to the U.S., accounting for 70% of total fresh grape imports ($511 million in 2004); Mexico accounts for 28% of fresh grape imports.

It is not known how many Chilean tortricid species are intercepted in products destined for the U.S. In 2011, the USDA/APHIS interceptionsUSDA/APHIS interceptions:
USDA/APHIS interceptions. Based on larvae intercepted by USDA-APHIS personnel at U.S. ports-of-entry and identified by Systematic Entomology Laboratory personnel.
database had fewer than 10 records of "Proeulia sp." and no records of Accuminulia or Chileulia; however, there were more than 1000 entries of larvae identified as "Tortricinae" and close to 3000 identified as "Tortricidae" from locations where Proeulia and related genera occur. As the larvae of these genera are not well-studied or described, it is assumed that interceptions of these larvae have been largely unrecognized.

Because of the difficulties in identification and the lack of species-level larval characters, Proeulia and related pest species are treated here as a single entity.

Adult Recognition


FWL: 6.0-8.0 mm

Adults are white, pale tan, or gray with dark gray, brown, and black markings. Males lack a forewing costal foldforewing costal fold:
a flap or fold at the base of the forewing that contains specialized sex scales
. Male genitalia are characterized by the following features: aedeagusaedeagus:
the male intromittent organ (penis); see "phallus"
with distaldistal:
farthest from body, distant from point of attachment
thornlike projection; transtilla densely spined; gnathosgnathos:
a narrow bandlike structure that joins the posterolateral edges of the tegumen and supports the anal tube
with distaldistal:
farthest from body, distant from point of attachment
portion enlarged, triangular, and ventrally spined; and valvaevalvae:
plural of "valva"
with constant width (parallel-sided). Female genitalia are characterized by a partially twisted ductus bursaeductus bursae:
a membranous tube connecting the ostium bursae to the corpus bursae
and a lack of signumsignum:
a sclerotized projection or patch on the interior of the corpus bursae
in the corpus bursaecorpus bursae:
a dilated membranous sac at the anterior end of the bursa copulatrix


FWL: 6.5-8.0 mm

Forewings are gray or brown with a dark gray to black costal triangle. Male genitalia are characterized by a short thin uncusuncus:
a sclerotized process which is fused to the posterodorsal margin of tergum IX
, small broad sociisocii:
a pair of lightly sclerotized setose lobes
, long narrow valvaevalvae:
plural of "valva"
, and a well-developed sacculussacculus:
the ventral margin of the male valva
. Female genitalia are characterized by a bowl-shaped sterigmasterigma:
the sclerotized region surrounding the female ostium bursae
and a long thin ductus bursaeductus bursae:
a membranous tube connecting the ostium bursae to the corpus bursae


FWL: 7.0-12.0 mm

Forewing color is variable within the genus and ranges from pale tan to orange to dark brown to white. Forewing markings are generally sparse to moderate, and several species are nearly unmarked. Males lack a forewing costal foldforewing costal fold:
a flap or fold at the base of the forewing that contains specialized sex scales
. Male genitalia are characterized by the following features: uncusuncus:
a sclerotized process which is fused to the posterodorsal margin of tergum IX
slender, varying from long to short; sociisocii:
a pair of lightly sclerotized setose lobes
well-developed, varying from long to short, densely setosesetose:
covered with setae
in some species; valvavalva:
an appendage flanking the intromittent organ that is used to clasp the female during copulation
with well-developed sacculussacculus:
the ventral margin of the male valva
, extending beyond neck of valvavalva:
an appendage flanking the intromittent organ that is used to clasp the female during copulation
in some species; vesica with few stout cornuticornuti:
spines used to anchor the male vesica in the female bursa during copulation
. Female genitalia are characterized by a short, wide ductus bursaeductus bursae:
a membranous tube connecting the ostium bursae to the corpus bursae
and a sclerotizedsclerotized:
hardened; usually in reference to larval structures or adult genitalia
process projecting from the ventralventral:
lower, to the bottom, on the under side
surface of the corpus bursaecorpus bursae:
a dilated membranous sac at the anterior end of the bursa copulatrix
plural of "signum"
are absent).

Larval Morphology

Mature larvae of this group are similar to those of other Euliini and few species-specific characters have been identified. Horak & Brown (1991) list the following diagnostic characters for Euliini larvae: D1 and SD1 setae on separate pinaculapinacula:
flattened sclerotized plates on a caterpillar that bear the setae
on A9; SV setal counts on A1,2,7,8,9 as 3:3:3:2:2; and V1 setae on A9 not further apart than those on A8. These characters apply to the species treated here with some exceptions: the D1 and SD1 setae on A9 are located on the same pinaculumpinaculum:
singular of "pinacula"
in some (but not all) Proeulia; and SV setal counts on A1,2,7,8,9 are usually 3:3:2:2:2 (but occasionally 3:3:3:2:2) in Chileulia.

Other diagnostic features of this group include: SD2 seta small and on different pinaculumpinaculum:
singular of "pinacula"
than SD1 seta on A1-7; SD2 seta on anteroventral margin of SD1 pinaculumpinaculum:
singular of "pinacula"
on A8; SD1 pinaculumpinaculum:
singular of "pinacula"
directly anterioranterior:
before, to the front, toward the head
of spiracle on A8; D2 setae on A9 on large shared (saddlesaddle:
in reference to the D2 pinacula on larval segment A9; both setae are on a single, fused pinaculum in the mid-dorsal region of the segment
) pinaculumpinaculum:
singular of "pinacula"
; L pinaculumpinaculum:
singular of "pinacula"
on A9 trisetose; and anal combanal comb:
a toothed structure on the last abdominal segment used to eject frass away from the feeding larva; also termed "anal fork"

General descriptions for each of the genera are provided below.

Accuminula buscki (summarized from Cepeda 2014Cepeda 2014:
Cepeda, D. 2014. Descripcioacute;n del uacute;ltimo estado larvario de Accuminulia buscki , especie de Tortricidae (Lepidoptera: Euliini) de Importancia econoacute;mica en Chile. Revista Chilena de Entomologiacute;a. 39: 23-27.

Mature larva approximately 12 mm in length; head brown, dark pigmentation present laterally; prothoracic shieldprothoracic shield:
a sclerotized plate on the dorsal surface of the prothorax
brown, mottledmottled:
having spots or blotches of color
; body reddish, pinacular paler; legs black; anal fork present with 8 teeth. Detailed figures of larval chaetotaxychaetotaxy:
the arrangement of setae (in reference to Lepidoptera larvae), often depicted on a "setal map"
are available in Cepeda (2014)Cepeda (2014):
Cepeda, D. 2014. Descripcioacute;n del uacute;ltimo estado larvario de Accuminulia buscki , especie de Tortricidae (Lepidoptera: Euliini) de Importancia econoacute;mica en Chile. Revista Chilena de Entomologiacute;a. 39: 23-27.

Chileulia stalactitis (summarized from Cepeda & Cubillos 2011)

Mature larva approximately 16 mm in length; head light brown; prothoracic shieldprothoracic shield:
a sclerotized plate on the dorsal surface of the prothorax
light green with brown mottling; body light green; anal fork present with 4-6 teeth; abdominal spiracles closely approximate to the SD1 pinaculapinacula:
flattened sclerotized plates on a caterpillar that bear the setae
and are circular, surrounded by a conspicuous smooth ring. Detailed figures of larval chaetotaxychaetotaxy:
the arrangement of setae (in reference to Lepidoptera larvae), often depicted on a "setal map"
are available in Cepeda & Cubillos (2011).

Proeulia (summarized from Cepeda & Cubillos 2011)

Mature larva approximately 22-26 mm in length; head light brown, shaded laterally or postlaterally in some species; prothoracic shield light brown to light green with brown mottling in some species; body light green; anal fork present with 6-9 (usually 7) teeth. Detailed figures of larval chaetotaxychaetotaxy:
the arrangement of setae (in reference to Lepidoptera larvae), often depicted on a "setal map"
for P. apospasta, P. auraria, and P. chrysopteris are available in Cepeda & Cubillos (2011).


Species in this group all share relatively similar life histories. Larvae are highly polyphagous and feed on leaves as well as on fruit, sometimes causing serious economic damage to crops such as grape and citrus. The life histories of Chileulia and Proeulia are outlined below; the biology of Accuminulia is unknown beyond host plants.

Chileulia stalactitis

Females lay eggs in masses on leaves. Larvae feed on leaves, flowers, and fruit, causing direct economic damage by tunneling inside fruit. Overwintering occurs as a larva inside dried fruit. Adults are present in August in Chile.

Proeulia spp.

Females lay eggs in masses on leaves. Larvae feed on leaves, flowers, buds, and on the surface of fruit. Some species have continuous generations and are present throughout the year while others overwinter as a first instar larva. Adults are present September through April for most species.

Host plants

Larvae of this group are highly polyphagous and have been reported feeding on plants in more than 30 families. All species listed here are primary or secondary pests of grape. Chileulia stalactitis is an important pest of Prunus while Proeulia are reported as pests of apple, apricot, blueberry, cherry, citrus, peach, plum, and various other species.

Because of the similarities of larvae of all species and their polyphagous nature, host plants are listed below in one table rather than subdivided by genus or species.

Host plant Host plant family Reference(s)
Acer buergerianum Aceraceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Acer pseudoplatanus Aceraceae Gonzalez 1990Gonzalez 1990:
Gonzalez, R. H. 1990. Insectos y acaros se importancia agricola y cuarentenaria en Chile. Univ. Chile, Santiago.
; Brown & Passoa 1998
Actinidia deliciosa Actinidiaceae Gonzalez 1986Gonzalez 1986:
Gonzalez, R. H. 1986. Plagas del kiwi en Chile. Revista Fruticola. 7: 13-27.
, 1989, 1990; Pucat 1994Pucat 1994:
Pucat, A. M. 1994. Fruit leaf rollers, Proeulia spp. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Plant Health Risk Assessment Unit.
; Brown & Passoa 1998
Aristolochia chilensis Aristolochiaceae Obraztsov 1964Obraztsov 1964:
Obraztsov, N. S. 1964. Neotropical Microlepidoptera, V. Synopsis of the species of the genus Proeulia from central Chile (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 116. 183-196.
; Brown & Passoa 1998; Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Berberis sp. Berberidaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Corylus avellana Betulaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Nothofagus obliqua Betulaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Lonicera japonica Caprifoliaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Viburnum sp. Caprifoliaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Citronella mucronata Cardiopteridaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Euonymus sp. Celastraceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Maytenus boaria Celastraceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Convolvulus arvensis Convolvulaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Diospyros sp.  Ebenaceae Pucat 1994Pucat 1994:
Pucat, A. M. 1994. Fruit leaf rollers, Proeulia spp. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Plant Health Risk Assessment Unit.
Vaccinium corymbosum Ericaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Caesalpinia paraguariensis Fabaceae Brown & Passoa 1998
Cercis siliquastrum Fabaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Robinia pseudoacacia Fabaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Juglans regia Juglandaceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
Cryptocarya sp. Lauraceae Cepeda & Cubillos 2011
[unspecified] Myrtaceae Pucat 1994Pucat 1994:
Pucat, A. M. 1994. Fruit leaf rollers, Proeulia spp. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Plant Health Risk Assessment Unit.
Eugenia apiculataHost plant table (embedded)

View full screen host table here


Accuminulia and Chileulia are known exclusively from Chile. The majority of Proeulia are also recorded only from Chile, with the exception of one species that is found in Bolivia.

  Accuminulia buscki
Accuminulia buscki
  Accuminulia buscki
Accuminulia buscki
  Chileulia stalactitis
Chileulia stalactitis
  Chileulia stalactitis
Chileulia stalactitis
  Proeulia auraria
Proeulia auraria
  Proeulia auraria
Proeulia auraria
  Proeulia chrysopteris
Proeulia chrysopteris
  Proeulia chrysopteris
Proeulia chrysopteris
  Proeulia chrysopteris
Proeulia chrysopteris
  Proeulia triquetra
Proeulia triquetra
  Proeulia triquetra
Proeulia triquetra
  Proeulia apospasta
Proeulia apospasta