Archips crataegana




Archips crataegana (Hubner) (Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Archipini)

Common names: brown oak tortrix

Synonyms: confluens (ab.), roborana (Tortrix), rubromaculata (var.)

Subspecies: A. crataegana endoi (Japan)

Adult Recognition

forewing length; the distance from the base of the forewing to the apex, including fringe
: 9.0-10.5 mm (male); 11.0-13.0 mm (female)

The male forewing is light brown with dark-brown markings. The female forewing is generally darker with more obscured markings and a pronounced apexapex:
the point furthest removed from the base or at the end of the costal area
. The median fasciafascia:
a dark transverse band on the forewing
does not extend to the costacosta:
the anterior margin of each wing
in the male, while it is continuous from the dorsaldorsal:
upper, to the top, on the back
margin to the costacosta:
the anterior margin of each wing
in the female. The hindwing of both sexes is grayish brown with yellow apical shading present in some females. Males have a forewing costal foldforewing costal fold:
a flap or fold at the base of the forewing that contains specialized sex scales

Male genitalia are characterized by a finger-like uncusuncus:
a sclerotized process which is fused to the posterodorsal margin of tergum IX
; absent sociisocii:
a pair of lightly sclerotized setose lobes
; and large, subtriangular, membranous valvaevalva:
an appendage flanking the intromittent organ that is used to clasp the female during copulation
. Female genitalia are characterized by a narrow, long ductus bursaeductus bursae:
a membranous tube connecting the ostium bursae to the corpus bursae
with cestumcestum:
a long, bandlike sclerotization of the wall of the ductus bursae
present; and daggar-like signumsignum:
a sclerotized projection or patch on the interior of the corpus bursae
present in the corpus bursaecorpus bursae:
a dilated membranous sac at the anterior end of the bursa copulatrix

Larval Morphology

The following account is summarized from Swatschek (1958)Swatschek (1958):
Swatschek, B. 1958. Die larval systematik der wickler (Tortricidae und Carposinidae) aus dem zoologischen Institut der Universitat Erlangen. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. 269 pp. [Abhandlungen zur larvalsystematik Insekten 3.]

Larvae are approximately 23 mm in length. The abdomen is dark green to black with black pinaculapinaculum:
flattened sclerotized plates on a caterpillar that bear the setae
and long white setae. The head, prothoracic shieldprothoracic shield:
a sclerotized plate on the dorsal surface of the prothorax
, thoracic legs, and anal shieldanal shield:
a sclerotized plate on the dorsal surface of the last abdominal segment (in larvae)
are black. An anal combanal comb:
a toothed structure on the last abdominal segment used to eject frass away from the feeding larva; also termed "anal fork"
is present with 6-8 teeth.

Similar Species

Yasuda (1975) described A. crataegana endoi as a subspecies from Japan. He states that it can be separated from the nominate subspecies by its larger size, longer costal fold in the male, and shape of the male sacculussacculus:
the ventral margin of the male valva

Archips crataegana is most similar to Archips xylosteana. Males of the two species can be separated by the median fasica, which is continuous to from dorsumdorsum:
the lower (usually posterior) or inner margin
to costacosta:
the anterior margin of each wing
in A. xylosteana, and does not reach the costacosta:
the anterior margin of each wing
in A. crataegana.

Other Archips species, including Archips grisea and forms of Archips podana and Archips rosana, can appear similar to A. crataegana. A genitalic dissection can be used to confirm species identity.


The following account is summarized from Bradley et al. (1973).

Archips crataegana completes one generation per year. Adults are present from June through August.

Females deposit eggs on bark in masses of approximately 30 individual eggs. Egg masses are usually deposited high on the tree and appear similar to bird droppings. Eggs overwinter and first instar larvae hatch the following spring. Early instars feed on the underside of the leaf while later instars roll leaves. Pupation occurs in the final larval feeding site.

Larvae of A. crataegana have been reported feeding on a variety of tree species. Host records from East Asia may refer to A. crataegana endoi (Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
), or possibly another species (Razowski 2002Razowski 2002:
Razowski, J. 2002. Tortricidae of Europe, Vol. 1, Tortricinae and Chlidanotinae. Frantisek Slamka, Slovakia. 247 pp.

Host plant Host plant family Reference(s)
Alnus japonica Betulaceae Yasuda 1975Yasuda 1975:
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Betula platyphylla Betulaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Corylus sp. Betulaceae Ozdemir et al. 2005Ozdemir et al. 2005:
Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Quercus dalechampii Fagaceae Kulfan 2012Kulfan 2012:
Kulfan, M. 2012. Structure of lepidopterocenoses on oaks Quercus dalechampii and Q . cerris in Central Europe and estimation of the most important species. Munnis Entomology amp; Zoology. 7: 732-741.
Quercus dentata Fagaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Quercus robur Fagaceae Disque 1908Disque 1908:
Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
Quercus sp. Fagaceae Meyrick MS 1938Meyrick MS 1938:
Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Juglans regia Juglandaceae Ozdemir et al. 2005Ozdemir et al. 2005:
Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Morus sp. Moraceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
; Bae 2000a
Fraxinus excelsior Oleaceae Bradley et al. 1973Bradley et al. 1973:
Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Crataegus pinnatifida Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Fragaria vesca Rosaceae van der Geest et al. 1991van der Geest et al. 1991:
van der Geest, L. P. S., Wearing, C. H., Dugdale, J. S. 1991. Tortricids in miscellaneous crops, pp. 563-577. In : van der Geest, L. P. S., Evenhuis, H. H. (eds.), Tortricid pests, their biology, natural enemies and control. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Malus baccata Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Malus pumila Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Prunus avium Rosaceae Ozdemir et al. 2005Ozdemir et al. 2005:
Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Prunus sargentii Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Prunus sp. Rosaceae Meyrick MS 1938Meyrick MS 1938:
Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Prunus tomentosa Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Prunus x yedoensis Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Pyrus pyrifolia Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Pyrus sp. Rosaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Citrus sp. Rutaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Populus maximoniczii Salicaceae Byun et al. 1998Byun et al. 1998:
Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In : Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology amp; Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Populus sp. Salicaceae Meyrick MS 1938Meyrick MS 1938:
Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Ozdemir et al. 2005Ozdemir et al. 2005:
Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Host plant table (embedded)

View full screen host table here


Archips crataegana is distributed across the western Palearctic. Yasuda (1975)Yasuda (1975):
Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
described A. crataegana endoi from Japan, although Razowski (2002)Razowski (2002):
Razowski, J. 2002. Tortricidae of Europe, Vol. 1, Tortricinae and Chlidanotinae. Frantisek Slamka, Slovakia. 247 pp.
states that records of A. crataegana from East Asia are of a different species.

 Male genitalia
Male genitalia
 Female genitalia
Female genitalia