
  • FIGURE 1. Habitus of Anastrepha carreroi, lateral view of third instar. Abbreviations: A1 to A8, abdominal segments 1 to 8; AL, anal lobe; CD S, caudal segment (A8); CR WLT, creeping welt; MH, mouthhook; PRTH SPR, prothoracic spiracle; PSCEPH, pseudocephalon; P SPR, posterior spiracle.
    FIGURE 1. Habitus of Anastrepha carreroi, lateral view of third instar. Abbreviations: A1 to A8, abdominal segments 1 to 8; AL, anal lobe; CD S, caudal segment (A8); CR WLT, creeping welt; MH, mouthhook; PRTH SPR, prothoracic spiracle; PSCEPH, pseudocephalon; P SPR, posterior spiracle.
  • FIGURE 2. Pseudocephalon of Anastrepha amplidentata, ventral view of third instar. Abbreviations: AN, antenna; MH, mouthhook; MP, maxillary palp; LB, labium; LL, lateral lips; OR, oral ridges; PO, preoral organ; PL, preoral lobes.
    FIGURE 2. Pseudocephalon of Anastrepha amplidentata, ventral view of third instar. Abbreviations: AN, antenna; MH, mouthhook; MP, maxillary palp; LB, labium; LL, lateral lips; OR, oral ridges; PO, preoral organ; PL, preoral lobes.
  • FIGURE 3. Antenna and maxillary palp of Anastrepha amplidentata. Abbreviations: AN, antenna; DS, dorsolateral papilla sensilla; K1, K2, knob sensilla; P1–P3, papilla sensilla.
    FIGURE 3. Antenna and maxillary palp of Anastrepha amplidentata. Abbreviations: AN, antenna; DS, dorsolateral papilla sensilla; K1, K2, knob sensilla; P1–P3, papilla sensilla.
  • FIGURE 4. Cuticular processes on preoral organ of Anastrepha striata. Abbreviations: CP, cuticular processes.
    FIGURE 4. Cuticular processes on preoral organ of Anastrepha striata. Abbreviations: CP, cuticular processes.
  • FIGURE 5. Pseudocephalon of Rhagoletis pomonella. Abbreviations: MH, mouthhook; PO, preoral organ; PTH, preoral teeth.
    FIGURE 5. Pseudocephalon of Rhagoletis pomonella. Abbreviations: MH, mouthhook; PO, preoral organ; PTH, preoral teeth.
  • FIGURE 6. Lobes of Dacus bivittatus. Abbreviations: MH, mouthhook; PL, preoral lobes; PO, preoral organ.
    FIGURE 6. Lobes of Dacus bivittatus. Abbreviations: MH, mouthhook; PL, preoral lobes; PO, preoral organ.
  • FIGURE 7. Oral ridges and accessory plates of Anastrepha amplidentata. Abbreviations: AP, accessory plates; OR, oral ridges.
    FIGURE 7. Oral ridges and accessory plates of Anastrepha amplidentata. Abbreviations: AP, accessory plates; OR, oral ridges.
  • FIGURE 8. Vertical comb-like processes of Anastrepha nolazcoae. Abbreviations: CLP, vertical comb-like processes; OR, oral ridges.
    FIGURE 8. Vertical comb-like processes of Anastrepha nolazcoae. Abbreviations: CLP, vertical comb-like processes; OR, oral ridges.
  • FIGURE 9. Accessory plates. A, accessory plates in one series, Anastrepha serpentina. B, accessory plates in two series, A. curvicauda. C, accessory plates in three series, A. grandis. Abbreviations: AP, accessory plates.
    FIGURE 9. Accessory plates. A, accessory plates in one series, Anastrepha serpentina. B, accessory plates in two series, A. curvicauda. C, accessory plates in three series, A. grandis. Abbreviations: AP, accessory plates.
  • FIGURE 10. Cephaloskeleton of Ceratitis anonae. Abbreviations: AS, anterior sclerite; BS, basal sclerite; DB, dorsal bridge; DC, dorsal cornu; DES, dental sclerite; IS, intermediate sclerite; LS, labial sclerite; MH, mouthhook; PB, parastomal bar; PT, preapical tooth; VC, ventral cornu; VP, vertical plate.
    FIGURE 10. Cephaloskeleton of Ceratitis anonae. Abbreviations: AS, anterior sclerite; BS, basal sclerite; DB, dorsal bridge; DC, dorsal cornu; DES, dental sclerite; IS, intermediate sclerite; LS, labial sclerite; MH, mouthhook; PB, parastomal bar; PT, preapical tooth; VC, ventral cornu; VP, vertical plate.
  • FIGURE 11. Mouthhook of Anastrepha nolazcoae. Abbreviations: MHa, mouthhook length a; MHb, mouthhook length b; MHc, mouthhook length c.
    FIGURE 11. Mouthhook of Anastrepha nolazcoae. Abbreviations: MHa, mouthhook length a; MHb, mouthhook length b; MHc, mouthhook length c.
  • FIGURE 12. Prothoracic spiracle of Anastrepha nolazcoae. Abbreviations: DW, distal width; TB, tubules.
    FIGURE 12. Prothoracic spiracle of Anastrepha nolazcoae. Abbreviations: DW, distal width; TB, tubules.
  • FIGURE 13. Caudal segment of Bactrocera correcta. Abbreviations: AE, anal elevation; AL, anal lobe; CR, caudal ridge; DA, dorsal area; D1, D2, dorsal sensilla; IA, intermediate area; I1, I2, I3. Intermediate sensilla; LA, lateral area; L, lateral sensillum; SPN, spinules; VA, ventral area; V1, V2, V3, ventral sensilla.
    FIGURE 13. Caudal segment of Bactrocera correcta. Abbreviations: AE, anal elevation; AL, anal lobe; CR, caudal ridge; DA, dorsal area; D1, D2, dorsal sensilla; IA, intermediate area; I1, I2, I3. Intermediate sensilla; LA, lateral area; L, lateral sensillum; SPN, spinules; VA, ventral area; V1, V2, V3, ventral sensilla.
  • FIGURE 14. Posterior spiracle of Anastrepha crebra. Abbreviations: BW, basal width of spiracular process; EDS, ecdysial scar; RM, rima; SP-I to SP-IV, spiracular processes; SOL spiracular opening length; SOW, spiracular opening width; TKSP, trunks of the spiracular processes; TSP, tips of the spiracular processes.
    FIGURE 14. Posterior spiracle of Anastrepha crebra. Abbreviations: BW, basal width of spiracular process; EDS, ecdysial scar; RM, rima; SP-I to SP-IV, spiracular processes; SOL spiracular opening length; SOW, spiracular opening width; TKSP, trunks of the spiracular processes; TSP, tips of the spiracular processes.