Plioreocepta poeciloptera

Common name  

asparagus fly


Plioreocepta poeciloptera is the only species in its genus, and can be distinguished from other fruit flies by the following specific characteristics for the third instar:

Body. Body length 8.6–10.8mm; elongate, swollen anteriorly. Integument partially sclerotized; sclerotization covering part of caudal segment; sclerotized process(es) on caudal segment present, strongly forked. Caudal ridge absent.

Head. Cephalic lobes slightly developed, or not developed. Antenna 1-segmented. Stomal organ: primary lobe ?; other peg-sensilla-like structures ?. Stomal region: secondary lobes ?; sclerotized stomal guards absent. Oral ridges present; number of oral ridges 15–19 (usu. 18); margins entire (?). Accessory plates present (in ~6 series); number of accessory plates 100 (ca.+); margins unserrated. Elongate, finger-like lobes arising above mandibles absent (?). Median oral lobe protruding as a pair of flattened, 3- to 4-lobed structures. Labium narrow.

Cephalopharyngeal skeleton. Mandibles: subapical teeth present; tooth smaller than apical tooth, and very stout; with a single ventral tooth (?); base stout, nearly perpendicular to a line from ventral part of base to apex of mandible. Parastomal bars ?. Dental sclerites apparently absent, not visible in lateral view.

Spinules and creeping welts. Dorsal spinules on segments T1-A2, or T1-A3, or T1-A4 (usu.).

Anterior spiracles. Anterior spiracle convex to flat, or long and convex, not strongly elevated (?;dorsal lobe almost 2x as long as ventral lobe; tubules lying in a large, broad, eliptical pit). Anterior spiracular tubules 31–47 (~36~, ~White (1988, puparia)); in three or more rows (4 rows if counted front to back; ca. 6 if counted obliquely).

Caudal segment (a8) and anal lobes. Sensilla on caudal segment 10 pair, with at least 7 pair visible under dissecting microscope, or with an unusual arrangement (? but check SEM). Dorsal caudal sensilla on separate papillae or tubercles (?). Intermediate caudal sensillum I3 absent or visible only with great difficulty (?). Lateral caudal sensillum absent or visible only with great difficulty (?). Intermediate caudal sensilla I1a&b absent or visible only with great difficulty, or obvious, not on a papilla or tubercle (?). Intermediate caudal sensillum I2 obvious (?). Intermediate caudal sensilla I1a&b and I2 on separate papillae or tubercles (?). Ventral caudal sensilla absent or visible only with great difficulty, or obvious, not on a papilla or tubercle (?). Anal lobes indistinct, retracted into anal slit, or absent; n/a.

Posterior spiracles. Posterior spiracular area not distinctly set off from caudal segment. Posterior spiracles: slits 2x longer than wide. Area between posterior spiracles smooth (texture; may have cellular appearance due to subsurface cellular sclerotization).

Host plants

Famlly Genus
Asparagaceae    Asparagus

Part of plant attacked: fruit.

Biogeographic region and distribution


Britain and Sweden south to France, cent. Europe and Bulgaria, east to Central Asia.

Adult taxonomy

Plioreocepta poeciloptera (Schrank)
Musca poeciloptera Schrank 1776: 96.—Austria. Linz. T A Unknown.
Ortalis fulminans Meigen 1826: 275.—Germany. Berlin. HT ♀ MNHNP.



Carroll, L. E., A. L. Norrbom, M. J. Dallwitz, and F. C. Thompson. 2004 onwards. Pest fruit flies of the world – larvae. Version: 8th December 2006.

White, I. M., and M. M. Elson-Harris. 1992. Fruit flies of economic significance: their identification and bionomics. CAB International; Wallingford, UK. 601 p.