Dacus limbipennis

Host plants

Family Genus
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita, Momordica

Biogeographic region and distribution


Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Ivory Coast

Adult taxonomy

Dacus limbipennis Macquart
Dacus limbipennis Macquart 1843: 374.—Indonesia. Java
[error, Africa]. LT ♂️ MNHNP. Lectotype designation by
inference of holotype by Drew, Hancock & White 1994: 376.


De Meyer, M., I. N. White, and K. F. Goodger. 2013. Notes on the frugivorous fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) fauna of western Africa, with description of a new Dacus species. European Journal of Taxonomy 50.

True Fruit Flies of the Afrotropical Region - http://projects.bebif.be/fruitfly/taxoninfo.html?id=237