Bactrocera tsuneonis

Common name  

Japanese orange fly


Typical of Bactrocera larvae with the following specific characteristics for the third instar:

Body. Body length 12–15mm. Mature larvae may not be able to jump (Miyake doesn't mention jumping in discussion of larval behavior).

Head. Cephalic lobes moderately developed, or slightly developed. Stomal region: medal secondary lobes elongate, like oral ridges (?). Number of oral ridges 9–17 (note: the ridges are bifurcated in longitudinal section); margins entire (from slides). Median oral lobe absent or not protruding.

Spinules and creeping welts. Dorsal spinules on segments T1-T3, or T1-A1.

Anterior spiracles. Anterior spiracle concave medially. Anterior spiracular tubules 31–34.

Caudal segment (a8) and anal lobes. Sensilla on caudal segment with an unusual arrangement (?). Dorsal caudal sensilla on a single papilla or tubercle (?). Intermediate caudal sensillum I3 absent or visible only with great difficulty (?). Lateral caudal sensillum absent or visible only with great difficulty (?). Intermediate caudal sensilla I1a&b obvious, not on a papilla or tubercle, or on a single papilla or tubercle, bifid apically (?). Anal lobes plainly visible, but not protuberant; simple (?).

Posterior spiracles. Average length of dorsal and ventral rimae 110–130µm; slits 3x longer than wide. Dorsal spiracular processes with numerous trunks arising from a short or semicircular base (long processes). Number of dorsal spiracular processes 11–14. Number of ventral spiracular processes 11–14. Number of lateral spiracular processes 7–12. Basal width of spiracular processes 13–15µm. Dorsal and ventral spiracular processes: average number of tips 12–27; ratio of number of tips to number of trunks 1–2.1 (up to 4 per trunk).

Host plants

Family Genus
Rutaceae Citrus, Fortunella

Part of plant attacked: fruit.

Biogeographic region and distribution

Oriental, Palearctic

Japan (Kyushu, Ryukyu Is.), China (Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Guangxi).

Adult taxonomy

Bactrocera (Tetradacus) tsuneonis (Miyake)
Dacus tsuneonis Miyake 1919: 92.—Japan. Kyushu: Oita Pref., Tsugumi. ST ♂♀ Unknown. ST presumed lost (Shiraki 1933: 116).
Dacus cheni Chao 1987: 4.—China. Guangxi: Pingxiang. HT ♂ PQMAB.
Dacus ferrugineus: Kuwana 1910: 23.—misid. See Miyake 1919: 88.


Carroll, L. E., A. L. Norrbom, M. J. Dallwitz, and F. C. Thompson. 2004 onwards. Pest fruit flies of the world – larvae. Version: 8th December 2006.

White, I. M., and M. M. Elson-Harris. 1992. Fruit flies of economic significance: their identification and bionomics. CAB International; Wallingford, UK. 601 p.