Anastrepha pallens


Typical of Anastrepha larvae with the following specific characteristics for the third instar:

Body. Body length 5.8–8.3mm.

Head. Number of oral ridges 20–30. Median oral lobe absent or not protruding (?).

Spinules and creeping welts. Dorsal spinules on segments T1-A5.

Anterior spiracles. Anterior spiracular tubules 17–22.

Caudal segment (a8) and anal lobes. Anal lobes plainly visible, but not protuberant; simple.

Posterior spiracles. Posterior spiracles: slits 2.4–3.6x longer than wide. Dorsal spiracular processes with numerous trunks arising from a short or semicircular base, or with fewer trunks radiating from a short or semicircular base (short processes). Number of dorsal spiracular processes ~ 10. Number of ventral spiracular processes ~ 9. Number of lateral spiracular processes ~ 7–8. Dorsal and ventral spiracular processes: average number of tips 8–14. Dorsal and ventral spiracular processes: ratio of number of tips to number of trunks 2.7–3.3.


Host plants

Famlly Genus / species
Sapotaceae Sideroxylon


Part of plant attacked: fruit.

Biogeographic region and distribution


USA (southern Texas), south to
Central America: Honduras.



Adult taxonomy

Anastrepha pallens Coquillett
Anastrepha pallens Coquillett 1904: 35.—USA. Texas: Brownsville vicinity. HT ♂ USNM. HT transferred from Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences.


Carroll, L. E., A. L. Norrbom, M. J. Dallwitz, and F. C. Thompson. 2004 onwards. Pest fruit flies of the world – larvae. Version: 8th December 2006.

White, I. M., and M. M. Elson-Harris. 1992. Fruit flies of economic significance: their identification and bionomics. CAB International; Wallingford, UK. 601 p.