Anastrepha amplidentata


Typical of Anastrepha larvae with the following specific characteristics for the third instar:

Body. Length up to 11.2 mm and width up to 2.1 mm.

Head. Number of oral ridges 9–12, edges sparsely emarginate; Accessory plates 6-11 in one series, edges entire or serrate.

Cephalopharyngeal skeleton. Mouthhook strongly curved, length from tip to posterodorsal prominence 0.24–0.27 mm, ventral surface grooved with medial carina, smooth; hypopharyngeal sclerite 0.19–0.22 mm long; dorsal cornu with well-defined sclerotized area 0.42–0.53 mm long, ventral cornu 0.60–0.82 mm long from pharyngeal bar to posterior end of grooves.

Spinules and creeping welts. Dorsal spinules on segments T1–T2.

Anterior spiracles. Anterior spiracular tubules 13–18; in a single row, bilobed; distal width 0.23–0.26 mm.

Caudal segment (A8) and anal lobes. Anal lobes prominently protuberant, entire.

Posterior spiracles. Length of dorsal and ventral rimae 108–129 µm; slits 4.0–4.3 longer than wide. Dorsal spiracular processes (SPI) with 13–19 trunks and 30–50 tips, basal width 24–40 µm, 0.22-0.31 times length of spiracular slit. Lateral spiracular processes SPII with 7–12 trunks and 13–19 tips, SPIII with 8–12 trunks and 19–29 tips. Ventral spiracular processes (SPIV) with 11–17 trunks and 31–45 tips, basal width 22–36 µm.

Similar species

Larvae of members of the fraterculus species group are generally similar. Rodriguez et al. (2020) provide tables of comparative data. 

Host plants

Family Genus / species Common name
Anacardiaceae Spondias mombin hog plum


Part of plant attacked: fruit.

Biogeographic region and distribution


South America: Peru (Cusco, Madre de Dios), Bolivia (Cochabamba)

Status of knowledge

The third instars were described by Rodriguez et al. (2021).

Specimens examined

Reared ex naturally infested fruits, Peru: Madre de Dios, CICRA

Adult taxonomy

Anastrepha amplidentata Norrbom
Anastrepha amplidentata Norrbom 2015: 9.—Peru. Madre de Dios, Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Río Los Amigos. HT ♀️ MHNJP.


Norrbom, A. L., E. J. Rodriguez, G. J. Steck, B. A. Sutton, and N. Nolazco. 2015. New species and host plants of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) primarily from Peru and Bolivia. ZooTaxa 4041: 1–94.

Rodriguez, E. J., G. J. Steck, A. L. Norrbom, B. D. Sutton, and M. A. Branham. 2021. Description of larvae of Anastrepha amplidentata and Anastrepha durantae with review of larval morphology of the fraterculus group (Diptera: Tephritidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 123: 169–189.