Vespa ducalis


Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Vespidae Laicharting, 1781
Subfamily: Vespinae Laicharting, 1781
Genus: Vespa Linnaeus, 1758
Species: Vespa ducalis Smith, 1852
Common names: black-tailed hornet


Vespa ducalis occurs in southeastern Eurasia. It is quite different from other Vespa species in that it preys on nests of other paper wasps and feeds the pupaepupae:
an inactive immature stage in insects between larva and adult
and larvaelarvae:
active immature form of an insect, especially one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa
of other paper wasps to its own larvaelarvae:
active immature form of an insect, especially one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa
(Smith-Pardo et al. 2020)(Smith-Pardo et al. 2020):
Smith-Pardo A., JM Carpenter amp; LS Kimsey. 2020. The diversity of hornets in the genus Vespa , their importance and interceptions in the United States. Insect Systematics and Diversity 4 (3): 1ndash;27.


Vespa ducalis is native to India, Sikkim, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Hainan, Taiwan, Russia, Korea, and Japan (Smith-Pardo et al. 2020)(Smith-Pardo et al. 2020):
Smith-Pardo A., JM Carpenter amp; LS Kimsey. 2020. The diversity of hornets in the genus Vespa , their importance and interceptions in the United States. Insect Systematics and Diversity 4 (3): 1ndash;27.

Diagnostic characteristics

To identify the genus:

  • both pronotal and pretegular carinae present
  • head vertexvertex:
    the area between the ocelli and the back of the head
    with the distance from posterior ocellusocellus:
    single facet light reception organs; on the top of the adult head
    to the posterior margin of vertexvertex:
    the area between the ocelli and the back of the head
    more than twice the distance between the posterior ocelliocelli:
    single facet light reception organs; on the top of the adult head
    and the compound eye
  • basal basal:
    originating at the foundation of a structure
    metasomal segment anteriorly rounded
  • length of forewingforewing:
    the front wing attached to the middle thoracic segment
    prestigma three times or more the length of the pterostigma (Smith-Pardo et al. 2020)(Smith-Pardo et al. 2020):
    Smith-Pardo A., JM Carpenter amp; LS Kimsey. 2020. The diversity of hornets in the genus Vespa , their importance and interceptions in the United States. Insect Systematics and Diversity 4 (3): 1ndash;27.

To identify the species:

  • elongated first gastral tergum
  • lateral lateral:
    the side
    near or at the apex or end of any structure
    margin of clypeusclypeus:
    produced as a blunt triangular projection
  • vertex vertex:
    the area between the ocelli and the back of the head
    not black
  • second metasomal tergumtergum:
    the segments on the top side of the abdomen, often abbreviated when referring to a speciifc segment, such as T1, T2, etc.
    with two or more pale bands including a broad apicalapical:
    near or at the apex or end of any structure
    orange-yellow bandband:
    usually referring to bands of hair or bands of color that traverse across an abdominal segment
    (Archer 1991)(Archer 1991):
    Archer ME. 1991. Taxonomy and bionomics of the Vespa tropica group (Hym., Vespinae). Entomologists Monthly Magazine 127: 225ndash;232.
  • metasomal tergaterga:
    the segments on the top side of the abdomen, often abbreviated when referring to a speciifc segment, such as T1, T2, etc.
    never entirely black (Smith-Pardo et al. 2020)(Smith-Pardo et al. 2020):
    Smith-Pardo A., JM Carpenter amp; LS Kimsey. 2020. The diversity of hornets in the genus Vespa , their importance and interceptions in the United States. Insect Systematics and Diversity 4 (3): 1ndash;27.
  • male ventralventral:
    the underside of an insect, or segment of an insect
    margin of eye separated from clypeal margin

Biology/Life cycle

Annual colonies of V. ducalis are small with an average of three combs and 50 individuals. Nests are usually built underground, in tree hollows, and have been found in attics (Archer 1991)(Archer 1991):
Archer ME. 1991. Taxonomy and bionomics of the Vespa tropica group (Hym., Vespinae). Entomologists Monthly Magazine 127: 225ndash;232.
. At higher latitudes nest foundation begins from early June with the first workers emerging by late July. Vespa ducalis queens first appear by late August, and colony termination begins the following month (cycle length about four months). At lower latitudes colony cycles last about seven to eight months (Archer 2008)(Archer 2008):
Archer ME. 2008. Taxonomy, distribution and nesting biology of species of the genera Provespa Ashmead and Vespa Linnaeus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Entomologistrsquo;s Monthly Magazine 144: 69ndash;101.

May be confused with

Vespa philippinensis

  • V. philippinensis vertexvertex:
    the area between the ocelli and the back of the head
    black; first three gastral tergaterga:
    the segments on the top side of the abdomen, often abbreviated when referring to a speciifc segment, such as T1, T2, etc.
    primarily or extensively orange-yellow (Archer 1991)(Archer 1991):
    Archer ME. 1991. Taxonomy and bionomics of the Vespa tropica group (Hym., Vespinae). Entomologists Monthly Magazine 127: 225ndash;232.

Vespa tropica

  • V. tropica vertexvertex:
    the area between the ocelli and the back of the head
    usually black, if not, second gastral tergumtergum:
    the segments on the top side of the abdomen, often abbreviated when referring to a speciifc segment, such as T1, T2, etc.
    entirely orange-yellow (Archer 1991)(Archer 1991):
    Archer ME. 1991. Taxonomy and bionomics of the Vespa tropica group (Hym., Vespinae). Entomologists Monthly Magazine 127: 225ndash;232.

Known introductions

Vespa ducalis has been introduced and established in Europe. It has been found in British Columbia and Texas but does not seem to be established.

  Vespa ducalis  female anterior, photo: Brennen Dyer

Vespa ducalis female anterior, photo: Brennen Dyer

  Vespa ducalis  female dorsal, photo: Brennen Dyer

Vespa ducalis female dorsal, photo: Brennen Dyer

  Vespa ducalis  female lateral, photo: Brennen Dyer

Vespa ducalis female lateral, photo: Brennen Dyer